Natural treatments for ADD/ADHD?????

That must have been awful going through what you did with your son!
Ain't it the truth!!!??? If I could stay away from gluten I'd be fine, but I'm unable- though hubby brought home Betty Crocker Gluten-Free brownies from Target last night- can you believe it?? It hurts to think of the potato/rice flour cakes my mom used to make for birthdays...

I've learned if I sit criss-cross-applesauce I'm 90% more able to sit still. It looks funny in a fancy restaurant, but tough cookies!! Good thing I love sushi!
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My girls don't have the hyperactivity, but a quiet presentation...they just can't get anything done and sit staring. When they have meds (natural, concerta, we vacillate by their needs) they are eager to focus and accomplish. It's as if they're drugged when unmedicated, even with the GF diet.

I call it a neurotransmitter disorder and the people who judge don't understand what that means, so they think 'medical' and let it go. Try it! It's fabulous to get a different response!

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