NBC News Article "Backyard chickens dumped at shelters"

I don't know why anyone is surprised at this article. It's the same thing that they are doing to those of us the breed dogs. Next, they'll want to shut down hatcheries and then go after those of us who sell chicks and hatching eggs. Most people I know that raise any kind of animal, for profit or hobby or show, take really good care of the animals. They have to or they don't produce. There are so many movements out there to "protect" domestic animals it was just a matter of time. The laws regulating what we can and can't own or what we can do on our own property will eventually trickle down to what we can or can't eat/produce. Don't vote to restrict others rights if you don't want yours restricted in the very near future.
I don't know why anyone is surprised at this article.  It's the same thing that they are doing to those of us the breed dogs. Next, they'll want to shut down hatcheries and then go after those of us who sell chicks and hatching eggs. Most people I know that raise any kind of animal, for profit or hobby or show, take really good care of the animals.  They have to or they don't produce. There are so many movements out there to "protect" domestic animals it was just a matter of time.  The laws regulating what we can and can't own or what we can do on our own property will eventually trickle down to what we can or can't eat/produce.  Don't vote to restrict others rights if you don't want yours restricted in the very near future.
Not saprised just angry
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The typically uninformed making statements that many people will take as fact since it came from a news source. I am sorry that people have become so urbanized. The chicken, pig, and cow fairy doesn’t show up at every store at night and fill all the food cases with meat from animals that volunteered to be food for our tables. I plan to raise chickens for meat as well as eggs. It is how you do this that makes the difference. People want to say that’s mean. Well going to the store to buy it doesn’t make the fact that someone somewhere killed the animal all nicely vacuum sealed it Styrofoam and plastic they a putting in their shopping cart.
They already have restrictions on gardens and garden locations (no front yards etc) in some states as well as more and more costly permits needed to sell home produced produce/eggs/dairy. Sad. I do like that here in Baton rouge a friend started a project for free food, they have a program that gets fruit trees and veggie gardens donated by locals or businesses and the city allows planting this free community food anywhere available (underpasses, along sidewalks (rare are sidewalks here tho lol) and other tucked in places going to waste. A citrus tree/peach tree next to a bus stop ;) so far its worked out great and the locals pitch in on maintainance as well as the school kids! Lil outdoor walks to learn about where the food comes from. Also in Seattle they've dedicated acres and are turning it into a full on free food park, not to shop in, to walk thru, have an apple, pear, bring a veggie home for dinner as a reward for a good walk or jog...

Took people actually following through tho and that's a lot more thought than a shocked "o" face :-O, so often I see anger and things that can very easily be changed, but the voice that doesn't speak doesn't get heard.
I don't know why anyone is surprised at this article.  It's the same thing that they are doing to those of us the breed dogs. Next, they'll want to shut down hatcheries and then go after those of us who sell chicks and hatching eggs. Most people I know that raise any kind of animal, for profit or hobby or show, take really good care of the animals.  They have to or they don't produce. There are so many movements out there to "protect" domestic animals it was just a matter of time.  The laws regulating what we can and can't own or what we can do on our own property will eventually trickle down to what we can or can't eat/produce.  Don't vote to restrict others rights if you don't want yours restricted in the very near future.
MSN Homepage has a "What do you think?" poll currently going on: Urban chicken coops backfiring.
Do you like the idea of raising chickens in your backyard?
So far, it's not looking good for backyard chicken owners. BYC members need to vote NOW. This poll is only good for one day...let's get our voices heard!

Good job! I just noticed it on the right side of the page and voted and hope others do as well (even though the options all seem biased / poorly setup).
This is another case of people not being responsible. My husband always says our pets eat better than us and he's right... I would starve before I would let any of my animals suffer. I took that responsibility on when I got them and I take that seriously. That's the problem with our society, when we are tired of it we throw it away.
There is a LOT of underlying data that I'd like to see. #'s alone, in isolation don't really tell any story. "XYZ chickens are waiting for homes that were dropped off by people who got in too deep!"

Here are some examples of what I would like to know:

  1. In a specific area covered by one of these shelters, how many people own dogs? How many dogs are dropped off per month? What % of dog owners are dropping off dogs? Same for cats, and same for chickens. What if 1% of dog owners drop off dogs and only 0.3% of chicken owners drop off chickens?
  2. Do these shelters promote the culling of animals? How easy / hard is it to find homes for chickens vs. dogs, vs. cats?
  3. Do these shelters operate in an area that has friendly chicken laws and ordinances? What if people are dropping off chickens in mass because there has been an ordnance crack-down?

Not enough information or data to really say if there is a problem or not RELATIVE to other problems. 500, or 5,000, or 5,000,000 may or may not be a lot of chickens when compared to other problems that shelters are dealing with.

You have to remember that these "experts" are from rescues who don't advocate any type of animal keeping for human consumption.

Yup, that's a VERY good point! There is a strong bias from some organizations that believe chickens shouldn't be eaten, raised for eggs, kept as pets... period.
What the media failed to report is that those so called "farmers" use cruel means to feed some of their poultry whether it be chickens, turkeys, ducks whatever....they force feed these birds with funnels and feed them crap nothing that is natural all things pumped up on hormones and antibiotics.....

Yep people should educate themselves a little better before taking on a major responsibility such as any animal heck there are some people that should educate themselves before having children yet they don't, they go into the Feed stores at the peak of spring when all baby animals are born, only to get dog food and they see these cute little bundles of cherping fur and think oh I just have to have them and of course they spend all this money on small hutches and feed and nice watering and feed troughs only to get them home and in a few months they have feathers, they are stinking up whatever room they are in and there cute little fur ball is now crowing at 0600 every morning!!!!!!! Or at least that's when mine has been crowing hey he has personality what can I say......

They need not put down the ones who actually care for their feathery friends......heck last week 10 of my 22 chickies were food for some critter and at 10pm the next night me my husband and my oldest daughter were caging my babies up and to my mud room they came because I was not allowing them to give up without a fight.....and that is where they stay at night in a few extra large dog kennels with fresh food and water and out during the day until this weekend when there coop will be completed..... That's actually caring not just giving up because they are no longer fur balls but my feathery friends

And when I was younger we had chickens and lived on a farm and yep I remembered some things but before I got my babies I re-educated myself got books asked people questions

Educated people are sometimes the most uneducated .....

Sorry for my ranting and raving but this kind of hit a nerve
I find it funny that Farm Sanctuary is biased for vegans and honestly we have two vegans in our office that are the two sickest people I've ever seen. I'm not impressed with veganism.
You're so very correct! I wish the sheep (non chickeners!) Thought to use facts :/
I've rescued about 14 and rehomed. By request rather than eat. I also will take in unwanteds from people that just don't want them and can't sell them, this started because a friend at a rescue knew I knew about chickens, I gave them my number for emergency and they do call or email about once a month, smal numbers or old hens found dropped off :( so it does happen but the rescues are not funded well, don't know poultry! Nor have networks of people to call either. They put down hundreds of dogs per month in my city, even more cats, so many cats they found it cheaper to catch/fix and release again! Ug. There is not a huge problem...but if you contact your local shelters, quite often they be happy to put your number on file to help out by fostering chickens they have no idea how to care for (in the cities usually!) Having help available lessons the load on what the heck to do with fluffy butts that should not eat kibble. . I always find a home, not hard at all to find a happy flock that could use a guest!
There is a LOT of underlying data that I'd like to see.  #'s alone, in isolation don't really tell any story.   "XYZ chickens are waiting for homes that were dropped off by people who got in too deep!"

Here are some examples of what I would like to know:

  1. In a specific area covered by one of these shelters, how many people own dogs?  How many dogs are dropped off per month?  What % of dog owners are dropping off dogs?  Same for cats, and same for chickens.   What if 1% of dog owners drop off dogs and only 0.3% of chicken owners drop off chickens?
  2. Do these shelters promote the culling of animals?  How easy / hard is it to find homes for chickens vs. dogs, vs. cats?
  3. Do these shelters operate in an area that has friendly chicken laws and ordinances?  What if people are dropping off chickens in mass because there has been an ordnance crack-down?

Not enough information or data to really say if there is a problem or not RELATIVE to other problems.  500, or 5,000, or 5,000,000 may or may not be a lot of chickens when compared to other problems that shelters are dealing with.

Yup, that's a VERY good point!  There is a strong bias from some organizations that believe chickens shouldn't be eaten, raised for eggs, kept as pets... period.

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