NC State Fair!

Awww, is there a competition for cute little girls too? She would probably win!

That is a gorgeous Silkie. I want some Silkies!!

I can't believe it's fair time again. Seems like we were just there. Have fun!
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Hopefully if you see him there he'll be the one with the big blue ribbon!

I read this year they changed their standards for judging to be by the book so I decided to sign him up this time. If he does well I will be breeding him asap.
We will be down spending time with family the last weekend of the fair. Will the poultry still be there? I would like to see them and does anyone know if they will be selling any and if so what day? Thanks
We were planning on this Sunday. I'm making a bee-line to the Poultry Tent, with a short stop-off to get a funnel cake, roasted corn, maybe a sausage and pepper hero.
Poultry will be there (standard size birds) 14th to the 19th, (Bantam size birds) 20th to the 24th. If they are for sale they are marked on the cages with the contact for the bird's owner for more purchase information. So if you want to buy you still have to go through the breeder. Usually the breeder labels the birds for sale, and what they are asking as I've seen.

We'll be going Monday the 18th in the morning, we'll be doing the Apple recipe contest in the Education building around 11 they will judge if anyone wants to see if I win!
I'll also be there the 20th with Alpha for the day, and I'll be there the 24th to pick up Alpha.

So I have 3 chances to run into one of ya!
Poultry will be there (standard size birds) 14th to the 19th, (Bantam size birds) 20th to the 24th. If they are for sale they are marked on the cages with the contact for the bird's owner for more purchase information. So if you want to buy you still have to go through the breeder. Usually the breeder labels the birds for sale, and what they are asking as I've seen.

We'll be going Monday the 18th in the morning, we'll be doing the Apple recipe contest in the Education building around 11 they will judge if anyone wants to see if I win!
I'll also be there the 20th with Alpha for the day, and I'll be there the 24th to pick up Alpha.

So I have 3 chances to run into one of ya!

So the standard breeds won't be there the 20th-24th?

I so hope so!
I just got back from the fair and I went straight to the poultry tent. It was great! They had some beautiful dewlap tolouse and white sebastopol geese, I would really like to buy some but I dont think they will be for sale. I will be at the fair tomorrow showing horses and at least one more time. Hope to see yall!
Poultry will be there (standard size birds) 14th to the 19th, (Bantam size birds) 20th to the 24th. If they are for sale they are marked on the cages with the contact for the bird's owner for more purchase information. So if you want to buy you still have to go through the breeder. Usually the breeder labels the birds for sale, and what they are asking as I've seen.

We'll be going Monday the 18th in the morning, we'll be doing the Apple recipe contest in the Education building around 11 they will judge if anyone wants to see if I win!
I'll also be there the 20th with Alpha for the day, and I'll be there the 24th to pick up Alpha.

So I have 3 chances to run into one of ya!

So the standard breeds won't be there the 20th-24th?

I so hope so!

No, they will not be

There are limited cages for the breeds, and they do not think it is good for the birds to be there for so long. So they will return the standard size birds to the owners and we will reuse the same cages for the bantam birds.

I'm going to be so crushed leaving Alpha there, he's such a mommy's baby.
Well, I spent a good hour inside the poultry tent yesterday.
Man, there were some GORGEOUS birds in there. I would love to be able to bring some of them home with me, especially some of the 1st place winners! The tom turkeys were funny to watch... they truly are some ugly birds.

I do feel sorry for all the birds. Don't you know they are majorly stressed out by being confined to a cage with all the other birds around them, not to mention the commotion of all the people gawking at them. Someone popped a balloon inside the tent while I was there and the poor birds went crazy. Can't blame them though, it sounded like a gunshot!
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