NE Mass- variety of hens free to good home


7 Years
May 25, 2012
I'll describe here, and post photos of specific hens if anyone is interested. All hens.

6 Mo - 1 YO's available: blue Andalusian; splash Andalusian; two "splash"(but really mostly white) Favacaunas; black sexlink;

1-2 YOs: two golden laced Wyandottes (bonded), buff brahma bantam

The splash Favacaunas have varying degrees of "rooster back" right now (temporary broken or missing feathers).

These are happy free-range currently; I'm rehoming these for a few reasons: my flock is too large now that my "accidental rooster" facilitated a bunch of chicks recently, plus these hens aren't as bonded with the flock (or each other, save the GLWs). They're also more skittish than i prefer. They'll eat out of your hand and come up to you, but hate being picked up or held. They were all vaccinated as chicks; all are from myPetChicken as day olds.

I'll post a photo that includes some of them for now (both Andalusians left and front, the whiter Favacauna on the right of my giant roo)


(I am also looking to rehome my blue jersey giant rooster, in that photo, btw-- but I'll post him separately if the local person who's interested doesn't take him. )

I know nothing of chicken shipping, would prefer to hand over in person (but I'm open).

Thanks for looking!
I'm interested. I can pick them up whenever you're available!
Awesome! Because they're skittish, does after dark, or early morning work? Will be easiest to gather them when they're roosting. Do you want all of them? They're so sweet :).
Awesome! Because they're skittish, does after dark, or early morning work? Will be easiest to gather them when they're roosting. Do you want all of them? They're so sweet :).

How many? I think i counted 9? How do i get a hold of you? I sent you a message privately, (i think!)

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