Neat old Chicken Video

Ok I may be dating myself here, but I think I remember that film when I was in grammar school. :eek:

ETA: I liked it very much.
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Wow, those are some "fat" leghorns! Shows what 50 years of selective breeding does to them!

They get to free roam back in the day. Reminds me of old pictures of my grandpa with his chickens. LOL
That's what I was thinking. I saw some vids on youtube talking about how the leghorn hens have been bred in to the egg machines we have today. Wish I could remember which video it was, but anyway, they were saying something to the affect that leghorns from 40-50 years ago layed about 100 eggs per year. Now, the production egg layers are pushing 300+/- per year.

I was talking to one of my co-workers today about chickens and eggs and all that. When he found out the chicken in the market grows to butcher weight in 6-8 weeks I thought he was gonna have a heart attack. Within another 1/2 hour of the conversation, he was asking where to buy chickens to raise his own.

Little bit of info goes a loooong way.
There's also a clip of an egg hatching in an incubator from the earlier film here :

I'm not sure if it is the same voice though

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