Neat pic of my Mom


13 Years
Jan 23, 2007
N.E. Louisiana
Happy Mother's Day everyone !!!
I got a scanner here awhile back & have been scanning family pics etc...
This is my Mom from sometimes in the 1940's, before she had 8 children
This was taken somewhere up in NYC.She was an RN & worked up there.
Oh she was styling,one of my sisters still has that dress she was wearing.
My Mom passed away when I was 20 of cancer,she was only 65 & just had retired. I'm the baby of the family & she was 45 when she had me.

Thanks everyone
My mother was one of a kind.. I don't see how she did it. It's a bummer she's not around anymore, I miss her alot. I gave her the worst time growing up out of all my siblings.
I do love the 40's style, she had bought that dress up in NYC which is cool it's still in the family.

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