Nebraskans Speak Up!!! NEBRASKA ROCKS!!

Yea, she is being a pain. I took her first set of eggs, up til the end up September and kept putting her out of her nest , but she isnt having it.

It doesnt help the Big Daddy, my splash orp roo, is really in love with her, she is his favorite hen, and normally she puts up with him, but right now she has no tolerance for him.

I am not sure how many of her eggs are fertile anyhow, he is young and doesnt seem to have the experience to get them all fertile yet, and most of the hens have just started laying in the last month.

Havent been losing any more eggs tho, thank goodness!

Anyone planning on going to the show in Lincoln? I hope to be there but not showing anything, thought bout showing my orp roo, to me he is gorgeous but not sure about show quality since I have never shown anything in my life. But he does roam the yard, and looked at his tail this morning and the darned guy got it ratty looking somehow over the last two rainy crappy days.
Figured it was about time I stopped in and said hello.

We live east of Hastings, in the old Ammunition Depot on 65 acres of land. We 12 older girls for layers Who have a new Roo from this years Barbed rocks. and a new batch of 10 Barbed Rocks. We also have Spanish black and red bourbon turkeys.

:welcomeWelcome 'patch! Greate to have you here! Sounds like you have lots of room to roam out there by Hastings! I'm right in Omaha, in town. Can't have any roosters here, just hens. Your turkeys sound very handsome though - maybe you can post some pictures sometimes? Do you read or post on the turkey thread? Great to have you here on the greatest forum there is!

I'd love to go to the show, but thats such a long drive for us, probably be around 5-6 hours driving... (takes us 5 hours to get to Omaha)
Tom, do you keep the turkeys to eat?

I'd love to get a fresh processed turkey - I'm too chicken to do it myself...

Yes we Keep turkey's to eat, We did one yesterday with 8 Barbed rock roos'.
We set up the small scalder instead of the big one, so we decided to dry pluck the turkey, Never again, as it took what seamed like two hours to dry pluck it.

We hopefully will keep the 7 Hens and One Tom through the winter and see if we can get our own Pullets for next year. Last year We had a Red Bourbon pair but the Hen died and the Tom was infertile.

Yes I read and post in the Turkey and Meat Bird forums mostly.

What auction. I may.

They call it the "exotics" auction. It's at the Palmyra sale barn. It's mostly poultry. There are usually lots of chickens, ducks, guineas, peafowl, etc. along with goats and llamas. Occasionally a few lizards and more unusual things too.

ETA: lots of rabbits too.
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