Neck Wound


In the Brooder
Aug 14, 2017
I just found my bantam hen with a neck wound the skin that holds the feathers around her whole neck is detached from her neck. Her neck has healed up completely but the skin that holds feathers around her neck is just dangling. It looks like someone (my dogs) tried to skin her neck and just stopped at her head base. She is still flying and going around the yard like nothing is wrong. She is cleaned up and locked in a separate coop from the big hens and roosters. She staying with the quail and baby chicks. I know to keep the wound clean and check it everyday. This isn’t my first dog attack I ’ve had a hen years ago get attacked and she’s still around today. I just don’t know what to do about the skin that’s dangling with the feathers? I assume it will just fall off eventually and the neck will re-grow the skin and feathers. Will post pictures tomorrow.

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