
Please remember one of the rules for BYC is that do not restart a thread that has been closed by starting with another part of the closed thread.
If a topic is closed or removed do not, under any circumstances, re-post the same topic or material. If you have any questions as to why a thread was closed or removed please contact a BYC staff member.

Note: We didn't close a thread because it mentioned any names. We closed it because it crossed a line past being a helpful thread to being past boarder line company bashing / flaming.

We lock any threads that "go south" regardless of the names or the events. Remember, we have years of experience running this community and have a sixth sense of which ones are going to turn ugly.

BTW, you'll still see plenty of MM threads all over this forum that are still open. As long as they remain helpful and positive (as any other thread) we'll leave it be.

If there are any other questions or comments about how this forum is moderated, please contact a staff member.
This is from Ms Prissy's:
I hope you understand BYC cannot allow an individual or a business or a group to be openly bashed and the finger of blame waggled nonstop. The line was being toed for the past couple of days. It was time to put a stop to it and wait for MM to chose to respond or not respsond. It is up to them how they handle their own PR and customer service policies. BYC is a forum for open discussion but not a mediator for these types of problems.

We are all quick to blame on MM if our chicks dies but it's all of us that contribute to the problem starting from day one.

I will still purchase chicks from MM even accidents do happen. And we have been thru bad batches of vaccinations at one time or another.
*Some of em didn't close til over 2OO+ posts though-- ample time to get the word out, I think. Not like anybody is trying to 'cover up' a problem here, FF. . . . (simul-posted w/ above by accident).
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Please lets keep this thread on track,
my 2 chicks are doing BETTER but are far from normal, but I would like to know what is going on too.
I will be watching for results of the necropsys.
I emailed the Massachusetts Dept. of Agriculture last night and someone is coming to my house Wednesday to pick up a few of my sick chicks and will have them tested at the state lab. They expect prelims in a few days -- full report in a few weeks. I will let folks know what the results are.

The hatchery offered replacement chicks but until I find out what's going on, I won't make a decision about that yet. If lab results show positive for disease, I image they would have to reimburse.

This has been a very sad, discouraging, and disappointing experience but I am thankful for all the caring, persistent, and knowledgeable people who are willing to help those in need!
My friend has a pending order of around 500 chicks for herself and local 4-h groups. They are supposed to come in May, so I am hopeful we can get to the bottom of this before then.

I will be anxiously waiting to hear what the necropsies say.

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