Need a chemist who knows chickens


6 Years
Aug 5, 2015
I have been dealing with weak egg shells for quite some time now. I have done what I can to increase the calcium intake of my birds. I just read an article that said giving them water with any type of softener in it will cause calcium absorption issues. We use lanpum sm50 calcite/corosex mix in our water because our acidic water was corroding our copper pipes. I’m assuming this is considered a softener. The article specifically mentioned “lime, resins, salts or cheating agents” as culprits.

My question is, is there anything I can add to the water to counter act the softener, if, in fact, what I’m using is considered one of the culprits?
Have you given your hens whole milk? I have used with success and still give mine a "dose" as a treat every so often. It works.
I have been dealing with weak egg shells for quite some time now. I have done what I can to increase the calcium intake of my birds. I just read an article that said giving them water with any type of softener in it will cause calcium absorption issues. We use lanpum sm50 calcite/corosex mix in our water because our acidic water was corroding our copper pipes. I’m assuming this is considered a softener. The article specifically mentioned “lime, resins, salts or cheating agents” as culprits.
My question is, is there anything I can add to the water to counter act the softener, if, in fact, what I’m using is considered one of the culprits?
Do you have a spigot you can draw water from that does not go through the softener? It would be near where the main water line enters the house.
Chickens don't digest dairy will so supplementing with milk regularly can cause diarrhea.
Do you have a spigot you can draw water from that does not go through the softener? It would be near where the main water line enters the house.
Chickens don't digest dairy will so supplementing with milk regularly can cause diarrhea.
To clarify, I don't give my hens milk regularly just as a booster. I have not noticed any diarrhea issues with that level of usage. I will say that my Grandpa gave his bantam and game chickens milk from his Guernsey cow on a daily basis and to this day (now 50+ years later) I have never seen healthier birds.
I will have to ask my husband. The outside spigot isn’t an option in the winter time. I was just hoping someone knew I’d something I could add to the water to counteract the neutralizer. I do give them yogurt occasionally, and they always have oyster shell available, they just don’t eat it.
We use lanpum sm50 calcite/corosex mix in our water because our acidic water was corroding our copper pipes.
I'm no chemist... just an over thinker. :oops:

So... acidic water is not the same as hard water that requires softening. Hard water has lots of undissolved minerals in it. Acidic is ph related and acidity would negate calcium absorption... so in theory if what your doing is making your water less acidic it would actually help your shell issue more than hindering it. :confused:

Is your weak shell issue from one bird or all of them? The questions asked by red beard will be helpful in identifying the true culprit. Also please add your general location to your profile as it can help peeps make the best suggestions possible at a glance. :pop

Please tell what you feed including treats and supplements on a regular basis. And what you have already done to increase your shell strength. Hope you get answers! :fl
Could you use bottle water for a few months without changing anything else and see if that makes a difference. I don't know how big your flock is.
Is your filter system protected from freezing over.
I would like to know what your alkalinity and ph reading are before filter and after....
My city tap water ph average around 7.5 to 8. Alkalinity is 80-90.
Usually copper pipe failure is done to low ph.
I maintain a 100k gallon swimming pool and 3k spa at work daily plus over 125 gallons of aquariums at home.
I enjoy the balancing of water.
I wish I was closer by to help you figure this out.

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