Need advice...going outside for the first time?


9 Years
Feb 22, 2012
Lowcountry, SC
We have 8, 2 and a half week old chicks. I want to put them outside for a few minutes tomorrow while I clean out their brooder box. It will be 72 degrees and I have a bottomless cage for them and we will be there with them. Does anyone thik this would be a problem? Is it too cold for them to go out yet?
Chicks with a broody hen will run around in much cooler temperatures than that, then go back to the hen when they need to warm back up.

It should not be a problem for you at all, but I'd suggest trying to give them some shelter from the wind if you can. They will be able to stay longer.

When they get cold they will probably give a distress peep. It's different than their normal peeping, sort of a steady really sad sort of peep. You should recognize it without any problem. If you hear that, take them back inside to the heat.
Ours are about the same age and they did fine for about an hour. They stuck very close to us and stayed in a little group. Every once in a while one would start to wander off, but the others seemed to call her back. It was so sweet!
I think everything will be okay for you. You will be able to tell if they get extremely cold and it is easy enough to get them warm again if the need arises.
they should be fine
Thanks everyone for the reassurances.... I will have a wind break if I need it and they will be able to see their new home while we finish up our work on their coop.
It was close to 80 here today and we let ours run the yard...they had a blast!! They were zooming at each other, flapping their little wings and just having a grand time pecking and scratching around on the ground!!
I just got mine so they are quite young....It was mid 70's here today so I put them in the chicken tractor...They are all wiped out and sleeping now..I put a board on top to keep the sun off and water of course...They were out for about 6 hours...Warmer outside than in the basement[I do have lamps on them]..Kevin can't wait till they grow a little bigger!!!

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