Need advice...going outside for the first time?

Almost every time a chick has a noticable comb it's a boy. Girls generally small narrow combs with no color until they are almost ready to lay, about 20 weeks.

Here is a picture as an example :)

Just looking at your pictures you have a few obvious looking boys

Pic 1, Little black chick facing the camera (australorp?)

Pic 2, Barred rock chick in the bottom left corner. Brown chick all the way on the right standing on the perch. (partridge?)

For me I've found that most single comb chicks can be sexed even at birth by comb size, it's easier to see if you have same age same breeds to compare to, fairly accurately. :)
I can hardly wait until my 3 new girls can go outside! These girls are much fiestier than my other 3 last year! I live in Western Washington and it has been snowing, hailing, raining, sunny etc. crazy weather! Not even close to letting them out, even for a few minutes. I hope yours enjoy that fun stuff!
I am originally from Western Washington myself. Great area!! What part are you from? I live in CT now and after I put this set of chicks outside there will be 35 in my flock now. :) I cannot wait. I took half of them outside yesterday afternoon and they just stood around staring at each other.
Mine will be 2 weeks old on Monday. I plan on taking them out for the first time Sunday. (Weather permitting) Its supposed to be a high of 85 and sunny. Im going to stake out a 15x15 ft. area and put up a temporary chicken wire play pen. Im gonna let them play as long as they want. We'll be in the vegitable garden doing some planting.

my chicks hate being picked up even in the brooder. im scared to go out with them, will they run from me?

All but 1 of my chicks are the same way. I decided to make my play pen just 8'x8' just in case i have to chase them down when its time to go inside. I am also going to introduce them to mealies for the first time. Highs for sunday just jumped to 86 degrees. I think the newness of the outside world and with some chicken "Crack" that they will probably stay close. Can't wait.
I had my littles outside for the first time yesterday while I cleaned out their brooder. I had them in a fully enclosed rabbit cage set on the ground. They LOVED it!! when I got them all back in the brooder they very quickly all took along nap! I think it wore them out!
I plan on moving my 28 chicks to the coop (empty now) in another week. They'll be three weeks old then. The 5 x 4 brooder is becoming very cramped. I'll give them a heat lamp but they really need extra space at this point.

I have a mix of 18 Buff Orphington Straight Run with 10 Mottled and Golden Laced Cochin Bantams.
I plan on moving my 28 chicks to the coop (empty now) in another week. They'll be three weeks old then. The 5 x 4 brooder is becoming very cramped. I'll give them a heat lamp but they really need extra space at this point.

I have a mix of 18 Buff Orphington Straight Run with 10 Mottled and Golden Laced Cochin Bantams.

Exactly what Im planning on doing. I had a 4x3 brooder for the first week, expanded it to a 4x6 brooder for the 2nd weeks. I have a brand new 8x8 coop without any chickens. At 3 weeks old Im taking the heat lamp out there and hanging it from the rafters. I'll keep them in there untill they are ready for the yard full time. They will be going out to a 25x25 predator proof yard when they're ready. I have Buff Orps and Astralorps.
Almost every time a chick has a noticable comb it's a boy. Girls generally small narrow combs with no color until they are almost ready to lay, about 20 weeks.
Here is a picture as an example :)
Just looking at your pictures you have a few obvious looking boys
Pic 1, Little black chick facing the camera (australorp?)
Pic 2, Barred rock chick in the bottom left corner. Brown chick all the way on the right standing on the perch. (partridge?)
For me I've found that most single comb chicks can be sexed even at birth by comb size, it's easier to see if you have same age same breeds to compare to, fairly accurately. :)

Well, you are correct on the breed...I hope you are incorrect on the sex!!
I purchased 3 Astros, 3 RIR, 3 Barred and 3 gold buff from mypetchicken. These are suppose to be females!!
I hatched 3 RIR and purchased 25 "Rarest of the Rare" SR from McMurray. These can be anything!
But yes, I do have some larger combs and I have noticed some "chest bumping" going on...LOL So I am sure I have quite a few males.


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