Need clarification again!


In the Brooder
May 24, 2020
So I recently was informed (by the members of this website, thank y’all so much) that I have 1 roo in my group of (4) 7ish week olds. I have another Asian Black(pictured below) who will flare its neck feathers and bump chests with the roo. At first when I researched, I saw that it was somewhat normal for pullets. Now that I know I have atleast 1 roo, does the chest bumping and flaring of the feathers(I don’t know the correct term) mean that my Black may also be a cockerel? Let me know what you guys think! Thanks :)
Nice looking bird! The chest bumping and the raising of the hackles could definitely mean it's a cockerel, but it could also mean an aggressive pullet. At 7ish weeks you may start to be able to tell by the shape of the saddle feathers. Pointed and thin means most likely cockerel, large and round means most likely pullet.
Nice looking bird! The chest bumping and the raising of the hackles could definitely mean it's a cockerel, but it could also mean an aggressive pullet. At 7ish weeks you may start to be able to tell by the shape of the saddle feathers. Pointed and thin means most likely cockerel, large and round means most likely pullet.
Thank you! They are a beautiful chicken for sure. I have never seen them be black and almost blue/green. I really hope it is a female though. I don’t want to have to get rid of it but my absolutely favorite little one was just identified as a roo so if this one is one also, he will have to be rehomed.

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