Need EE Gender Help :)


12 Years
Jul 16, 2012
Buckley, Washington
Title says it all, I can't decide on who is a boy and who is a girl. Chicks are seven weeks old. I have really bad lighting in the run due to heavy tree cover this is the best I can do!

Black chick:

Blue chick:

(was) Chipmunk colored chick: (on left)

Sorry! Best I could get of this one,

White chick: (chipmunk chick behind him)

And the whole gang just for fun:
The black chick in the first pic is a pullet and I believe the rest to be Boys.

I'm calling #2 a boy due to those HUGE legs.
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The Babies are gorgeous!

The white one is a Leghorn/Ameraucana So I'm not sure which sex since Leghorns are known for large combs even on the hens.
The Blue one if it came from the blue egg is pure Ameraucana and looking Great! Need better photo of comb it tell. but if it is reddish then most likely boy.
The Black one I can't tell what the mix (do you remember the egg color?). depending on the mix it could be either.
The Black with the red/brown shoulders is coloring more like a rooster. I'm thinking this one came from the brown egg? if so Black sexlink/ameraucana,
The Babies are gorgeous!
The white one is a Leghorn/Ameraucana So I'm not sure which sex since Leghorns are known for large combs even on the hens.
The Blue one if it came from the blue egg is pure Ameraucana and looking Great! Need better photo of comb it tell. but if it is reddish then most likely boy.
The Black one I can't tell what the mix (do you remember the egg color?). depending on the mix it could be either.
The Black with the red/brown shoulders is coloring more like a rooster. I'm thinking this one came from the brown egg? if so Black sexlink/ameraucana,

I'm thinking the white one is cockerel. The chick is huge and has BIG pink legs. (super cute!) Also he is very dominant and the comb is always very red.

I dont know who hatched from what egg! My husband was in the hopspital the day they hatched and most were already out and fluffy. One blue egg did hatch so after searching google I think the blue chick is pure Ameraucana.

I agree, the black with brown shoulders looks like a mini roo with the coloring. This is the one with feathered legs and is also much smaller then the others. Also has a big beard for such a little guy.

(I am def. hatching chicks next year from Mo! Thanks for getting me hooked on hatching! I already have the hens in mind I want to hatch eggs from... )
The Babies are gorgeous!

The white one is a Leghorn/Ameraucana So I'm not sure which sex since Leghorns are known for large combs even on the hens.
The Blue one if it came from the blue egg is pure Ameraucana and looking Great! Need better photo of comb it tell. but if it is reddish then most likely boy.
The Black one I can't tell what the mix (do you remember the egg color?). depending on the mix it could be either.
The Black with the red/brown shoulders is coloring more like a rooster. I'm thinking this one came from the brown egg? if so Black sexlink/ameraucana,

I'm thinking the white one is cockerel.  The chick is huge and has BIG pink legs. (super cute!)  Also he is very dominant and the comb is always very red.

I dont know who hatched from what egg!  My husband was in the hopspital the day they hatched and most were already out and fluffy.  One blue egg did hatch so after searching google I think the blue chick is pure Ameraucana.

I agree, the black with brown shoulders looks like a mini roo with the coloring.  This is the one with feathered legs and is also much smaller then the others.  Also has a big beard for such a little guy.
(I am def. hatching chicks next year from Mo!  Thanks for getting me hooked on hatching!  I already have the hens in mind I want to hatch eggs from... )

Oh if it has feathered shanks then it is either a OE/ameraucana or maran/ameraucana
I Love watching them grow up!

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