Need help ASAP 5 Chicks Life at risk


May 7, 2015
St Louis
I had 6 Buff Orpington chicks I got sunday. Yesterday one started to sit by herself with her wings out from her body a bit and her breathing was labored a bit. Today when I went in to clean the cage she was laying on her side with her feet kicked out. I picked her up and she was making a small chirp then kind of like a little seizure and the poor little thing died. She pooped watery white stuff also. I looked on internet and made me think Pullorum.
This is my first time with chicks. Or chickens for that matter. Am I over thinking this or do you think she could have Pullorum or something else contagious? Oh duh they are about 1 1/2 weeks old.
Thanks for any help I can get.
City girl in way over her head.
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I'm new to chicks, too, so I can't really help. You might want to post this to the Emergencies/Diseases forum. Lots of very knowledgeable & helpful folks there. Good luck. Hope the rest of your babies are OK.
Are they on medicated feed? It sounds like overheating. Wings held away from the body and panting are signs that your chick was too warm. Have you been adjusting their heat lamp as they grow?
The heat lamp is only in one side so she could move to the other side out of the light if she was hot. I'll post in that section on er thanks.
Just an FYI, there isn't 'medicine' in medicated feed, there's a thiamine blocker that prevents the little cocci bugs from living. Mine are 8 weeks old & still on medicated feed. I will be transitioning to non medicated over the next 2 weeks. I've suffered no losses & my pullets are very healthy.

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