need help asap :(

melissa x

In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 29, 2014
Hi I have a ten week old silkie hen she was the smallest of a huge flock and undernourished so I took her and she has grown very attached to me eating from my hand and crying for me etc. I went away for weekend leaving her with my mother and she stopped eating and drinking. She is sleeping constantly and ive managed to get some food into her every two hours but shes only had maybe five sips of water today. I have a hot water bottle, food and water in a box with her in and fresh bedding so shes warm. What else can I do or what is wrong? Shes so tired and drooping wings. Shes normally chatting away all the time and running about. Shes not laying or anything yet. Im so worried that she will die as shes loved so much
glad you joined us! I would post in the Emergencies section for best results: hope someone can help you.
I would try giving her treats, like worms, boiled egg, egg yolk, etc. I know several people use droppers with egg yolks or poultry vitamins when they have sick/wierd acting chickens.
I gave her scrambled eggs a few times today and her chick feed in a paste but she hasnt eaten in hours. I massaged her crop but I dont think its impacted. I gave her oil an she brought it back up and isnt keeping water down. Shes asleep now but very floppy. Not in the usual sleeping position. I dont think shes going to make it through the night :'(
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Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

Sorry about your bird!

You need to get her to drink. Force her if you have to. Use an eye dropper or syringe and drop tiny amounts of water down her throat. Do that at least twice each hour.

It's not a good idea to give her raw egg yolks. Scrambled or boiled eggs are a much safer and better bet. Try and add water to any food you can. Oatmeal, layer feed or even eggs.

Also, make sure she is not overheating. Is she panting? The droopy wings may be a sign of overheating. Is she egg bound by any chance? Egg bound hens often act lethargic.

Best of luck to you!
Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

Sorry about your bird!

You need to get her to drink. Force her if you have to. Use an eye dropper or syringe and drop tiny amounts of water down her throat. Do that at least twice each hour.

It's not a good idea to give her raw egg yolks. Scrambled or boiled eggs are a much safer and better bet. Try and add water to any food you can. Oatmeal, layer feed or even eggs.

Also, make sure she is not overheating. Is she panting? The droopy wings may be a sign of overheating. Is she egg bound by any chance? Egg bound hens often act lethargic.

Best of luck to you!
I'm curious as to your stance on egg yolks when I've read the opposite several times on here. Can you explain your position?

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