Need help! Change the ordinance!

I used to live in Chicago...If I had chickens when I lived there I could have turned my entire backyard into a coop for 10 lol!
So I met with the Zoning Commission on voting day during a huge storm where half the city had no power. Needless to say, I didn't draw a crowd of support. I did have 160 signatures though between paper and gopetition. They talked a lot about how much work this would be for them to change the zoning, how long it would take and that they didn't know how all the towns people felt. They kept referencing to farms and large livestock. I continued to push this was urban farming and small quantities of small animals. It ended with they wanted to research up on what other townships were doing around us. That townships are not the same as cities. Any advice?
Maybe if you can get any info right from the townships around you that allow them as far as how it's not an issue. How they deal with any issues, etc. Maybe also some info from people that live in those townships and pictures of their set ups, etc.

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