need help dealing with coyote

I had a coyote here last year that we literally tried to hunt to kill. No restrictions here for that. He attacked 1 of my cats in our yard. That cat made it but a month later he killed my other cat in our yard at around noon. We called federal trappers but they cost $$$$$ I called the DNR and asked them if I could blow this thing away myself and he said yes. My other half and myself sat out in the yard late at night and really early in the morning to wait for it, armed and loaded, never got lucky enough to get it ourselves, fortunately the coyote found his way to the middle of the highway and became one with the road. The fox out here will stand 2 feet away from you and eye ball your birds while you are standing here so they aren't shy either. I think your best bet would be bait and trap or just shoot it if you are able to get a clear shot.

my traps work 24/7/365 for me I get to sleep :)
If you have land to hunt, Put an add in craigs list for someone to kill coyotes. Coyotes can be called in with electronic calls.
This is what we do in florida. We go to a gator farm, buy some gator eggs, incubate them with the chicken eggs, and the gators grow up and protect the chickens like dey wuz famly.r
This is what we do in florida. We go to a gator farm, buy some gator eggs, incubate them with the chicken eggs, and the gators grow up and protect the chickens like dey wuz famly.r


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