need help deformed chick

dickies chics

10 Years
Nov 7, 2009
Baldwinville MA
I have a chick that just hatched about half an hour ago. It was born with a missing eye and a deformed beak. Should I give it a chance or cull it now. If I should cull what is the most humane way.
If it were me, I would make certain that the hatch isn't compromised (don't open the bator till they are done) and I would cull. But that's just me.
Honestly, put the little thing down.

All these vinegar and baking soda and ethenol vapor ideas did not work for me fast enough. It seemed more like torture than a peaceful way out.

The best way to do it fast and painless is to snap it's neck. You can do this with your fingers or with a object like a shovel or piece of wood putting pressure on it's neck.
Sounds horrible, but seriously... I tried the other ways and they took 30+ minutes and the little thing was flipping around and it was more horrible.

It's part of chickening... I'm sorry you have to experience it, but it is better to put him/her out of their misery.
It doesn't sound like it would be able to have a normal life. I too think you should cull. I'm sorry.

Someone posted this link, and I saved it in case I ever needed to cull a chick.
Oh dear. What a shame. I'm with everyone else though. I think culling it would be kinder. I've never had to do it myself with any animal but I'd think a quick neck snapping would be the best way. My first hatch a few weeks ago, there was an egg that had candled fine just before lockdown but it didn't pip at all. I broke it open for a look after the others had all hatched, and the chick was deformed, with a huge sac of flesh hanging off it's lower abdomen. Once I saw that I was quite relieved it had died in the shell and I hadn't had to cull it myself. I imagine it's an awful sad thing to have to do, but necessary.
personally i dont beleive in culling something unless its in pain or cannot eat on its own or walk on its own, but i have a duck with a missing eye and it gets around just fine.... but then again i do not see the beak so i dont have much understanding on the situation.. good luck to you
I agree with thedoors...I wouldn't cull it if it was able to eat and drink. I hatched a chick with a deformed beak once, and she lived a normal happy life. If they can survive on their own, I would let them. But those are just my feelings.

Good luck to you and your chick.
i would wring its little neck and be done with it. quickly and easily. its better for you and the chick this way. you don/t want to breed this bird whether it be hen or rooster and you don/t want to babysit a deformed bird either. it is part of hatching and raising your own birds. just try to leave the emotion out of it

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