Need help fast - duck attacked

I did chick electrolytes and clindamycin in warm water and he drank it. I did colloidal silver rinse on wounds and cut a bit of feathers but didn't want to mess with his neck too much tonight. I had erythromycin ophthalmic antbx from the cat so I put that on his eye and head. I lightly wrapped his head/neck to his body with an ace bandage and he seemed more settled and closed his remaining eye. Will give him a bath in the morning if he makes it.
I think you are doing well to keep him warm quiet and in low light to recover.

If it were my duck, I would use pediatric electrolytes not ducky electrolytes, as Pedialyte contains the right proportion of sugar/glucose to electrolytes. The sugar will provide energy until the duck is eating normally. Its cheaper to buy sachets and mix with water but you can get bottles of made up solution too.

I would add Rooster Booster Poultry Cell to the water to give extra vitamins while healing.

You can gently smear on tetracycline antibiotic eye ointment [also human from your supermarket pharmacy or CVS etc] on the eye that has been punctured -- eye ointment not drops so that it stays on the eye. Once a day is enough.

I would give antibiotics orally as well as cleaning the wounds with saline and spraying with Vetericyn spray. Using hydrogen peroxide for the initial clean is OK. It gets dirt out. but use saline after that.

I buy antibiotics for my rescued ducks from:

I don't know about the neck problem. Let the duck keep his head tucked in for now. I don;t think the neck could be broken as he would nto be able to breath. But he may have torn muscles or ligaments. You can only watch and see if you dont have a vet.

Good luck and keep us updated
If you can get the pain under better control that might help him want to eat. I imagine his neck is very sore.
miss lydia that reminds me of the video of the girl who makes a laundry basket sling for her rooster and the rooster has a hurt neck and needs to rest his neck and head. Do you have that video still maybe that would help this duck???

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