Need help getting Humidity up


8 Years
Apr 16, 2011
Hello all, I am trying to get the humidity up in my homemade incubator but I can't seem to get it high enough for lock down. I'm doing dry runs now,I have 2 pans (6"x12" and 3"x14") filled with water and sponges along with 2 Mason jars filled. I can only get 50% humidity. Is there anything else I can do do get higher percentages? Thank you for your time.
Well you are trying everything I would suggest. Try using hot water. That will give you steam.
Thank you Kuch, I did, I was getting some condensation on the lower part of glass too. I just can't seem to get it high enough. Maybe I'm not spongworthy,lol. ( an old seinfield pun)
I put some hot water in from the kettle and I was able to get the humidity up,but naturally my temp jumped to 102. I will see what happens in a few hrs.
The only suggestion I have is to try standing the sponges on their side to where they are not submersed. A wicking effect and will give you more surface area.


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