Need Help identifying problem with lame pullet


In the Brooder
8 Years
Nov 12, 2011
South Alabama
Hi, All. Please see pictures below. Any thoughts on what could be her problem would be appreciated. I'm a new chicken owner this year. My almost-8 month old pullet turned up lame in one foot about 11 days ago. Noticed she could not use her right leg. Separated her where she could rest easy. After two days, realized it seems in the foot, which she holds up in an arch position. After a week and research, found pink mild inflammations on her foot, and really they were on both feet, but she walks correctly on the left foot.

More research here, and I have now soaked her feet once each day for three days and put antibiotic on the pink places, and covered both legs and feet in Desitin, just because I read it was helpful for many ailments. She is improving. I'm now thinking what looked like inflammation might have been caused from the days of sitting down. She is still limping with her foot arched, though, and gets tired and has to sit. Could the foot have been broken? The pad beneath is clean and normal, all her nails clean and normal. I have not taken fresh pics tonight, but the inflammation is all but gone. She did hop up to sit in a lawn chair tonight, the most movement she's done.
I would give her a bit of time to heal any injury and a quiet place to rest with food and water close to her so she doesn't have to walk too far. Should be fine soon.
Thanks for the feedback. I have her where she can rest and not have to use the leg much. Unfortunately the only good place I have is away from the other chickens in the pen. I tried giving her a bit of time in the chicken run last night, and one of the other hens attacked her. Dang.

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