Need Help Identifying Several Hens and One Roo


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 23, 2011
Baker, FL
So my flock has dwindled down to 9 chickens, which I consider to be a very manageable size. I have just a few hens that I need help identifying, along with determining what kind of rooster I have. I already know I have a Golden Sebright Hen (she laid her first egg today!!), a Birchen Cochin Bantam Rooster, and a sweet Cornish X (Fatty - unknown sex).

That leave me with 5 hens of unknown type and one devilishly handsome rooster. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!!

Here's Leroy Chickens




Scarlet (Buff Orpington, maybe? She's very sweet and cuddly).

Rudy (she got attacked by an opossum - healing now)


And then there are eggs!!

The right and middle eggs came from the same chicken. Right one was the first egg we found and my husband actually saw one of the black hens laying the middle egg, so we're assuming they're from the same chicken. But that left egg is perplexing me. I have yet to see the hen that is even close to it when it appears. Does anyone have any ideas about who could have laid that brown egg on the left? I'm getting one each day. The tan, oblong eggs have stopped appearing after I got those two.

Thanks in advance everyone!!
hmmmm i can only guess scarlets a sex link...henrietta and rudy are barred rocks....ettta nd ella are astrolorps... rooster=no idea
Hmmm... I'm wondering if Etta could be a marans cross rather than a 'lorp. That could explain the darker egg.
Its not as dark as a Marans egg should be.

That's why I suggested "mix." Mixes don't lay really dark eggs. Heck, some purebred Marans don't lay really dark eggs! That's why breeders select for egg color along with type. If the OPs bird has some production quality Marans in it, it could lay a slightly darker egg than a typical brown egg layer. Plus, the hen in question has a Marans-ish profile (and yes, I know that's not really a word ... but it's late and I'm two Coronas under the wind!)

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