Need help identifying this breed

A lot of people will put a drop of food coloring on the vent to see who’s laying what. I personally don’t think Audrey is currently laying, but if you wanted you could put a drop on her vent and if you find an egg with that color on it you’ll know she laid it.
Thanks... nah I’ll give her a bit more time... she is going through molt atm I think....
I’ve got a close up of my Plymouth Rock girl lol she just walked up to me while I was sitting on the grass taking photos of the duckling and stuck her big head in way lol
Aww!! <3 My betta does that every time I go to try and take a photo of my cherry shrimp haha, he think's hes the prettiest man to ever exist, how could I not want another photo of him? lol
Those hackles don't look masculine at all, shape-wise. All the (male) Wyandottes I've ever had have had far pointier hackles. Those do look like cockerel saddles but I half wonder if it could be some kind of feather defect from the poor nutrition.
Do you wanna see a pic of my young cockerels saddles? They look exactly like that. I need to see if I can find a picture.
I don’t think you’ll get a definitive answer on this bird til we’re fully feathered and back on track for its age, and either laying or crowing. :) Audrey is looking quite masculine to me but there are a fair number of pullets that look pretty boyish, and because the growth is so wonky and behind, it’s really hard to say. But wow, great job on getting these guys where they need to be! The amount of healthy feather growth is amazing! :D
Do you wanna see a pic of my young cockerels saddles? They look exactly like that. I need to see if I can find a picture.
Why? I know that's what they look like, I said that too, it's the hackles that are confusing. Do you have pictures of your cockerels' hackles at this age that match this bird's? That's the only reason I'm speculating.

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