Need help now sick chick!


12 Years
Sep 20, 2007
I have chick that is 5 days old. it won't stand up on its legs it either sits on its bottom abnormally or lays down on its side. when it is laying on its side it acts like it can't breeth well. please someone help
Any other symptoms?

Coughing/sneezing? Discharge from the nose?

Is it eating/drinking at all?

It is smaller than the other chicks which might be preventing it from getting to the feed and making it weak and lethagic?
there is only one other chick with it. and those are the only other symptoms. he was eating and drinking fine when I left earlier and when I just got home he was sitting in an awkward position for a chicken back on his bottom and the upper part of his legs. I am holding him now and he seems fine, but when I put him down he can't stand, it gets really bad when he lays all the way down and he kind of staggers around and then falls over. it kind of looks similar to a chick that is about to fall asleep, but he wheezes and gasps for breath when he falls over. but as I said before when I hold him he goes back to normal
Gee...not sure what this might be then. Relatively sudden onset of symptoms, coordination affected...

Hopefully someone else can come along to give you some good ideas. In the meantime, treat as for any weaker chick - dip the beak in the water and food to make sure the chick is getting enough hydration. You might also want to offer boiled or scrambled egg to give a protein boost. Keep the chick warm and with it's buddy for comfort (unless the other one is picking on this one)

Anyone else??
Thanks for your help... it is very strange he is fine now, but I am going to go ahead and offer a scrambled egg just in case he is not out of the woods yet.
It sounds like your chick may be pulling through......I hope it is.....but I had 2 chicks behave like this which sadly didn't. I did everything I could, according to one of my books it sounds like "Newcastle Disease" Which you may call something different accross the pond. (I live in England) It's very common amongst little chicks, and there's not an awful lot you can do. The chicks behaved like yours, slowly deteriorating, it was totally heartbreaking, and they died after several hours. If yours is doing ok now, it should be fine. Twisting of the neck is a symptom of this. In England, for some unknown reason, it's been a bad year for chicks! Really hope your chick will be ok, I'm thinking about you! It's a sad fact but some little weaklings just aren't meant to be. Hopefully it sounds like yours is pulling through xxx
He seems like he is getting better, but he stumbles back when he drinks. It is very strange because ine minute he is fine running around with his friend and the next he acts like he is about to die

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