She has no mites but I have not wormed her ever. How would I tell if she has worms or not? When I put her in a warm bath there were little floaty things that looked like tiny maggots but I had just cut poop out of her feathers and I assumed it was just feather particles not worms!

Tiny maggots? Sounds like lice to me. Are they hard to see and move around on the surface of the water? Dust her.
She has no mites but I have not wormed her ever. How would I tell if she has worms or not? When I put her in a warm bath there were little floaty things that looked like tiny maggots but I had just cut poop out of her feathers and I assumed it was just feather particles not worms!
Maggots would be wriggling around in water,could be feather particles or lice/worms as someone else mentioned. For mites/lice check under wings,base of tail feathers,around vent area. As for egg laying issue,worms/lice/mites will all cause a decrease in eggs and lethargic behavior. Keep in mind she could also be coming to the end of her egg laying days as she is three. Check the bottom of her feet for any issues that may cause her to limp.

When you first found her,how hot was it? If it was hot,that may have been the cause of her behavior,chickens cannot tolerate the heat at all,heat can and does kill chickens.
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If she has a beard or crest check there for mites/lice too. I have been told as they cant groom as well there those places are just screaming "hey you mites and lice come on over here"
I went outside this morning to where I dumped her water bowl and my front door step is covered in maggots! or grub like bugs. I've found them in her water bowl too. She has been becoming progressivly better over the few days. She's been standing and walking. I've also been feeding her cayenne pepper and jalepenos that she loves! Also a little bit of garlic. This morning there were less little white things in her water then yesterday so maybe my home food remedies are working! Any advice? When my parents get home I will buy de-wormer for the whole flock just to make sure that she didnt contaminate any of my other hens and then make sure she's 100% dewormed before putting her back in. Thanks everyone!
Additional suggestion for stuck egg is to give olive oil by mouth, using a dropper of some sort. This will lubricate her digestive tract and help her pass anything that might be stuck. That is also helpful for sour crop. For infection, feed minced fresh garlic (which will help for any sort of infection, including sour crop). Do not allow her to overheat, and be sure to keep her away from the others while she is ill. If she has sour crop, the pouch below her throat on the right side will feel like an air-filled balloon, and squeezing it will cause her to belch. Keep us posted.
Be very careful when giving oil by mouth as aspiration can occur and cause lipoid pneumonia. FWIW, I believe a better oil to use would be mineral oil as it is not digestable like cooking oils. Try it yourself... drink some cooking oil and see if that helps pass stool. Wait a few days and try mineral oil, lol.


I am not recommending giving any oil, just wanted to warn people about the risks tell them about mineral oil.
Ok serious issue! I just checked her and her left leg is covered in black slime and there are bugs all around the wound. It looks like its eating her flesh away... Someone please help soon

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