Need help please. Pullet seems to have obstruction in throat and/or air sac/lung

Lots of prayers going up for Amelia Bedila and for sweet Carol. I am always grateful to you all for helping but tonight I feel so blessed. Thank you both (@azygous and @Wyorp Rock) so much for tolerating my craziness and sticking it out with me in spite of me.

Amelia Bedila keeps jumping on the table begging for more Raisins. These are without a doubt, my chickens favorite snack. They'd live off of raisins if I allowed it, which I don't and won't
She didn't even wonder about the powder going everywhere. Thank God chickens don't question us, at least the females don't
LOL See, that powder doesn't "mix" to well, so likely she didn't get a whole 1/2 so she should be fine.

I would try mixing it with yogurt or something like liverwurst, a teaspoon of cat food, etc. tomorrow so you know more about how much your giving. The powders don't mix well in liquid.

:hugs Keep us posted on how she's doing. It can be nerve wracking when you know something is not right. With chickens sometimes it's hard to know which way to go.
I hope she is much better in the morning.
Thank you so much. Yes. I'll be stopping by the store for some wet catfood after taking my daughter to school in the morning. I know that one of my laying (older) pullets has had green poop, but she isn't acting differently and everyone's stools are firm. The older girls and Bachelor Flock is where my concern began because of dirty bottoms. I'm about 1.5 hours away from the lab you (@Wyorp Rock) linked me to. I want to call them in the morning and see if I can bring fecal samples in and wait for the results after my rheumatologist appointment in the morning.
She was hanging out on her roosting bar, in a wire dog kennel, in my bathroom this morning. I made her a poached egg to mix the mox in but she wasn't very interested. Going to try raisins again as soon as I get home. Just leaving my appt with my rheumatologist
No. Stick with one protocol, see it through, and on the seventh day, you may then need to rethink things. Have you ever been given an antibiotic and then on the second day, asked the doctor for a different one? No. You finish taking the meds for five days or seven or whatever, and then if you're still not feeling better, you and the doc decide on a different plan.

You do need to be aware that without tests and a definitive diagnosis, this treatment plan is really a shot in the dark. I've had hens with these symptoms respond very well to amoxicillin, and I've had others that didn't respond to amoxicillin, and after seven days, didn't respond to the switch to penicillin, and didn't respond to Cipro or something similar after that didn't work.

If your hen has a bacterial infection, you should see improvement. But if she has cancer, of course this isn't going to help her. Then only a post mortem will tell you what really was making her sick

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