need help southcentral Pennsylvania.


6 Years
May 20, 2013
got some chickens 6-8 weeks ago and thought i would be ok. got a letter saying i was in violation of zoning ordinance regarding "Keeping of Pets." i thought i found some loopholes because it says you can have small birds, dogs, cats, etc and other animals commonly found in pet stores. i sent them a list of 5 stores within about 30 miles that you can get chickens at and also sell pet supplies, many of them fish, rabbits, etc. I also pointed out several other areas that i thought were loopholes--just got an email back that says they dont think it will fly because chickens are not domesticated animals as per their zoning ordinance. they are sending it to legal to see if there are loopholes, or not. any help let me know. [email protected]
also if anyhone is interested i will send the letter i got from the borough and what i sent back to them.
Was the list of stores actually pet stores, or was it a list of feed stores that also sell pet supplies (as do many feed stores)? Does the ordinance specifically mention poultry or chickens? Relying on a perceived loophole is often not the best way to start.

Chickens have been considered a domestic animal for thousands of years; however they have not commonly been considered a pet species for anywhere nearly that long.

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