Need Help... They're Trying To Take My Birds...

i can hit one with a stone, and im legally blind.. so just think they wont let me drive because of how bad my vision is (no depth perception, supposedly), but so many others are out allowed to get in accident after accident. kinda scary! course hitting a dove with anything, and not just hitting feathers, let alone making a kill shot, seems to be the problem for most. course not hunting at all in years, i probably couldnt hit the broad side of a barn, now without half a dozen practice shots! hahaha
course loving kids aside, i think its ridiculous to allow eighteen children to live in an apartment of up to only two or three bedrooms, and the loud destructiveness of them being left totally unruly, but someone wanting to keep some foul, can get you in trouble. my birds personally, have never made anyone sick, but the kids that are constantly sick passing it back and fourth when getting it from friends or school, then giving to all the adults around our complex, that then miss to much work and have to find new work or homes (though i never get sick oddly, and kids all are constantly over to play with my pets)..

Actually after just reading after writing out, i hope we get more people with petri dish kids, as then they might get rid of butthead adults who hate kids and pets. mwahahaha as some of the kids are monsters, but thats just the parents fault mostly. though know at one time people were cramming way to many under kept people and pets/stock into poor living small spaces, so originally laws were there before even moderate sanitation, to protect us (back when we threw or waste into the street out our windows if we werent to lazy to even do that.).

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