Need Help - what kind is this chick and is it a rooster or hen!


9 Years
Jun 14, 2010
I'm a newbie and it shows, terribly. I bought chicks from a farm store and specifically wanted to get pullets. I got a variety of chicks, and wanted to get a red sex link. There was a light colored chick in with the other red sex links, and that's the one my kids picked. I had no idea that they didn't come in various shades, but as it's grown bigger, not only have I realized that it is NOT a sex link at all, but I'm starting to think that it's a rooster. I don't even know what type of chicken it is, so any help identifying it and if it's a rooster would be great! Thanks a ton!!!


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My guess is leghorn, my next door neighbor has a bunch in her pens about the same age, but Leg horn Roos have HUGE combs so It could still be a pullet. Leghorn pullets also have a comb.

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