need help with coop design

mr rhode islandred

In the Brooder
Sep 25, 2018
Im trying to keep predators from digging in my coop without using wire. I thought about using a tarp for my floor to keep those pest from digging under my coop. Would that work. if not what could i use besides poultry wire
Unfortunately, neither poultry wire nor a tarp will work.
A 2 foot predator apron of 1/2" hardware cloth is your best bet. Just attach it to the bottom of the coop with poultry staples or screws and washers then lay it out on the ground. Secure the opposite side with landscape pins then cover it with soil.
I'm thinking of covering the floor of my next coop with large rocks and then cover that with sand.

You could cover the floor of your coop with pavers.
Unfortunately when it comes to digging predators you’ll need some kind of wire. If it the cost deterring you I’ve heard of people using old display shelves from stores or sides of broken dog kennels ( used some shelves from old fridge for parts of ours). Also WWF is sol in 2 ft tall height which makes the roll a lot cheaper and perfect for an apron

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