Need help with Corid dosage

What about dosage powder and liquid for chicks? The medicated feed I bought is moldy and can only get non-medicated chick starter that is fresh. Have seen some blood in their poop. 5 weeks old.
Hi again ChickensAreSweet,

  Here we are at day 5 of the Corid Rx for all 19.  Sara hen is amazingly improved.  She thought my lower lip might be something to eat today.  Oh Yuck!!! a chicken kiss!!!.....spit, spit, spit!!!

  Early morning Poo Patrol Report.....reporting from under the roost....Looks like one hen still (can't figure out which one) still has milk chocolately colored droppings about the consistency of melted chocolate (even when I was nursing we described baby BM's as dijon mustard, seedy, pasty, etc )   Then I found one nicely formed stool with a white cap and very obvious fresh blood.   Mr Boaz Roo now has formed olivey/tan poops.  Most of the droppings looks normal..formed and white caps.

In light of the blood and loose one should I continue Corid or pronounce them on the good road to recovery?   Does it take awhile for the blood to leave?    This is the first time I've seen it...but that doesn't mean it wasn't there. With pine shavings things get coated pretty quickly.

One thing.  Most of the girls' combs are so pale pink they are pracitically white.  I seem to remember them darker pink or some more toward red.  hmmm
We're do you get corid from my chickens are on deaths door and need and answer asap
We're do you get corid from my chickens are on deaths door and need and answer asap

Farm Stores - such as Tractor Supply, Rural King, etc. It is generally in the livestock (ie cattle) supply area - just so you don't look around the chicken section and give up. If in doubt, ask the staff and they can direct you right to it.

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