Need help with heating my automatic waterer


May 26, 2015
Louisville KY
My Coop
My Coop
I have an automatic waterer that I built using PVC here is a very rough sketch of it.

The red dots are chicken nipples. This system works great now but will freeze in the winter. Anyone have a similar setup that has figured out a way to heat it easily? If I just put a bird bath heater in there I fear the water in the smaller pvc pipe will freeze because the water is not circulating.

Thanks in advance for any help.
If those are vertical nipples you are using I think they will be your weak point even if you can keep both pipes relatively ice free those vertical nipples hold water and will freeze easily. I'd recommend a switch to the horizontal nipples they don't hold water outside the tank so the water being warmed by the heater is actually able to keep them thawed. I just started using a barrel with nipples in the side it's working good so far
If those are vertical nipples you are using I think they will be your weak point even if you can keep both pipes relatively ice free those vertical nipples hold water and will freeze easily. I'd recommend a switch to the horizontal nipples they don't hold water outside the tank so the water being warmed by the heater is actually able to keep them thawed. I just started using a barrel with nipples in the side it's working good so far
Can you give me an example of the horizontal nipples?
Yes those are the same type I got mine off ebay they are solway brand and the vendor was Rich he used to be in here alot of people have used him. He sent me his card I can get you his email is you like
I picked up a stock tank heater and fountain pump to try and keep my bucket with horizontal nipples open, I might have a result by morning. It is cold finally. I will let the water start to freeze before I fire up the heater and pump so I know it wasn't residual heat from filling.
I picked up a stock tank heater and fountain pump to try and keep my bucket with horizontal nipples open, I might have a result by morning.  It is cold finally.  I will let the water start to freeze before I fire up the heater and pump so I know it wasn't residual heat from filling.

I'm gonna go out and check my setup in a bit, I'm pretty sure the barrel will be fine in water that hangs around in the outside of the nipples in the little cup area is the part I'm thinking will build up with ice

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