Need help with my News Years plan, links needed.

OK you can handle the heat, what about the cold? Please consider

Very,very,very (actually none that I know of) laws/restrictions about pets around here. Pay is good, many of the teachers are happy, and the community is supportive of the schools. We still have PE, music, title1, speech, special ed. teachers, and aides, and class sizes are pretty small:)
Good Luck
Sleep? What's that lol! I did this today since I have a three day weekend to start trolling districts! I'm good with heat or cold. I was offered a job in the Yukon Flats school dist. two years ago but it was right after we started and out of three 6th grade teachers I was the only experienced one there with three subs due to two being out having babies and one quitting! Finding a job will be the easiest part, finding a place to live the hardest. I can't finance, but if I sell my place here I'll be able to buy outright depending on the price. Unless I move into someones really big nice coop lol!
OH come on. PICK ME PICK ME!!!! PICK ME!!!
NJ is very good to their teachers. We live in south Jersey, so not as expensive as North Jersey. We are close to many things and usually have pretty good weather. We live in a development, but it's in farm country, so no problem with your critters. Maybe a bit too much of a change, but here is a link to our school district. We have 5 high schools in this district, and it will also give you links to all the sending schools. Good luck with your endeavor!
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