Need help with pregnant lab...*update*still no pups :(

That's why I do target testing. I know when the pups are coming within a 48 hour time frame, although they can still arrive a little early.
My girls have had all their litters on their due dates doing targeting!!
Hmmm, did I saw something sticky? Sorry newish here...LOL

NOOO you did good...a sticky is a thread that needs to stay at the top of the thread list so people can grab the info quickly....if you go to the index and click on like "incubating & Hatching Eggs" you will see one at the top with a padlock and says
"Sticky: Read Me's on Hatching by silkiechicken "
That is a sticky thread and will stay at the top so you don't have to search so hard for it. It is also something nice to remember if you are searching for info and don't want to the stickys!

When you got good info it needs to be a sticky!!! if the mods think so that is.

Thanks! Good to know!!
She's only laying on the couch...she hasn't been nesting or anything. 72 days....really? It's been 60 since I took her to the vet. We don't know how far along she was when we took her, though. I just wish I knew...

Well that is not always correct that she might not be having puppies....We did this on our cat and you could literally feel the little pollups in there. one after the other after the little beads connected with a string only like the size of a bantam egg!

Most experienced veterinarians can determine pregnancy by simply feeling the dog’s abdomen during a certain a window of time—about 20-30 days after conception. During this time period, there is uterine swelling around the placental sites that feels like firm and discrete lumps. After 30 days, the uterine swelling is more diffuse and it is difficult to distinguish the gravid uterus from the feel of the intestinal tract. Dogs that are very large or obese may be difficult to examine in any stage, however.

A third way to detect pregnancy is by taking x-rays. Fetal skeletons can be visualized at about 45 days of pregnancy. This test cannot be done until late in gestation, but it is nice to know about how many of the little creatures you can expect once the actual birthing occurs.
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With dogs its day 27 to 30 is better. Being that it has been 60 days since she was at the vet and he was feeling puppies then, ummm I'm thinking she has no babies.... A golden at about day 28 the pups are the size of walnuts and they do feel like large beads. I don't like x raying tiny bones so I will do an ultrasound for a count on pups at about day 30.. Even if the pups were only in one horn you should be able to see movement when mom is laying on her side unless she is huge over weight. I had a singleton once and you could see her kickin all over!! LOL

Did we ever get a temp?
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Something I did with my Boston Terrier when she was expecting (several years ago) with her only litter (by choice). When she was fairly well along, and she was lying down next to me, I would pet her and slip my hand under her belly between floor or couch and her to feel the babies move. They were easier to feel that way. She seemed to like the belly rubs and I got to bond with the 3 little ones before they arrived. Just a thought to try. Good luck and I will keep checking on progress.
If it has definitely been more than 60 days from her breeding date and she isn't showing then I'd say almost for sure she isn't pregnant, even a lab with 2-3 puppies will show, and at 60 days, those pups would be like the size of baseballs or bigger, you could probably even feel and see them kicking.
It's not abnormal for them to "resorb" fetal puppies early in the pregnancy, if the doc thought he felt them a while back then it could be possible for her to have resorbed them between then and now.
Her body could have physically "thought" it was still having pups and dropped milk when your husband noticed a while back.
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