Need help with pregnant lab...*update*still no pups :(

Have you had her to the vet lately, like in this week? I would be RUNNING my girl to the vet, if she was that far along, and then she didn't look pregnant, you could run into pyo and all sorts of female reproductive issues if there is a dead, or dying pups in there.. PLEASE take her in and have her
do you have a play stethascope - you know the ones that come in a kids drs. kit? They actually DO work truth be told, in a pinch.

My mom's shepard was late in birthing and she lost all but 4 puppies because she waited
I would think your vet would be very understanding in this situation and just bill you for the visit to just listen to see if the puppies were okay.... most vets are not in it for the money, they're in it for the love of the animal.

Please please have her looked at, I'd hate to have you lose your puppies
or worse... your dog too.
Okay, called the vet this morning and her temp was still 100. Vet said to bring her in tomorrow and that they could do an xray but that it sounded like a false pregnancy.

I'm so disappointed. She seems to be fine...temp is normal, eating good, wanting to play, etc. I am really starting to think that it was just a false pregnancy too cause she would have had them by now.

We're gonna take her in tomorrow and have the vet examine her and if he thinks we need to do an xray then we will.

Thank you guys so much for all the support. I'll see what happens tomorrow and let everyone know for sure once we know.

wait - your vet originally looked her over, examined her and told you she WAS pregnant..and now is telling you it is probably a false pregnancy? Uhm...... I just read your first post... how does a vet mistake a huge stomach and movement/puppies ?? *confused look*
Maybe the vet is confused as to what dog they are talking about....honestly could you keep everyone's pets apart? I can't even keep what is going on with my own pets apart! LOL
I know that false pregnancies can be very realistic...big tummy, milk and the whole bit but I don't think you would have seen the pups moving in her belly if it was a false pregnancy.

My guess is that she doesn't look pregnant any more because the pups are moving into position to come out. She's probably holding them lower down and closer to the birth canal.
yeah're right
. I just read that and thought to myself if the vet felt and saw movement and the owners see the same thing... uhm.. hmmm...

Awe hun.. I really hope your pup going to be okay and I hope she is preggers and the pups will be fine. I know how excited you sound and puppies are so adorable
and prayers for all of you!
Maybe the vet is confused as to what dog they are talking about

I would be looking for a new vet if they couldn't keep them straight.. that is their job.
Glad you are taking her in, I would have him do a swab to make sure she isn't infected .. I would probably also make an appointment to have her spayed. IF indeed she was pregnant, and now is not, even though you saw pups move, I would be very afraid for her.. that is not normal, you are probably looking at herpes or Pyo.
Pyometra is a uterine disease of grump, most commonly seen in older intact females that have gone through many heat cycles. The normal hormonal changes of heat cause a gradual change in the lining of the uterus of grump, called cystic endometrial hyperplasia. This abnormal uterine lining is predisposed to infection, allowing normal vaginal flora that move through the open cervix during proestrus and estrus to more readily colonize the uterus. During diestrus, the uterus is under the influence of progesterone, a hormone that increases secretion from uterine glands and decreases uterine contractility, allowing the bacteria to grow rapidly without being expelled from the uterus. Clinical signs usually become apparent 4-12 weeks after heat and vary with patency of the cervix. If the cervix is open, discharge of foul-smelling, pale red, thick discharge is the most obvious clinical sign. grump with open-cervix pyometra usually do not show severe systemic signs of illness but may have an immature neutrophilia, fever, and a palpably enlarged uterus. grump with closed-cervix pyometra usually do show more severe signs of systemic illness, including abdominal distension, depression, polyuria / polydipsia due to secondary renal disease, an immature neutrophilia, and grossly enlarged uterus. Diagnosis of pyometra requires verification of uterine enlargement and infection, and is accomplished with radiographs or ultrasound, and a complete blood count. Preferred treatment for either open- or closed-cervix pyometra is OHE. In my opinion, no other ethical treatment option exists for grump with closed-cervix pyometra. Medical therapy can be tried in grump with open-cervix pyometra if they are still of breeding age, are valuable in a breeding program, and are not azotemic.​
I meant if you are just chatting over the phone, he/she might not remember who exactly they are talking to. You cannot diagnose over the phone. Giving them the benefit of the doubt....I hope she has them tonight and then you don't NEED to go to the vet...
don't stress out, she can feel your stress and that will stress her out too.
for puppies!
When I took her to the vet it was October...the nurse looked up my last visit and said that it had been 60 days and that she would have thought she would have had them by now.

Dr. Larrick felt of her and said that she was definitely pregnant and that her uterus was enlarged. He did a swab to make sure there was no infection...took her temp and it was a little high but still in the normal range. He drew a picture of what her uterus looked like and showed me what Maggie's was like...that he could feel. He said that it was his opinion that she had a large litter. We initially took her to the vet because she would squat to pee and only a trickle would come out. She just kept peeing and squatting all the time (for 2 days)
I was worried that something was wrong. Dr. Larrick said that her uterus was the fullest right up next to where her bladder was and that the puppies were probably just in a position where it made her feel as though she had to go. He said to watch her for the next few days and if she started drinking a lot of water or vomiting or had any discharge to bring her in right away.

Well, the next day she was fine....had stopped squatting and was acting okay. She kept getting bigger and looked like she was progressing so we figured everything was okay. No discharge or anything.

The nurse said that it could've been a false pregnancy or that she could have absorbed them but there was no way to tell unless we did an xray. My car is in the shop and I have no way to get her there or I would take her today. I'm hoping we can get our car back this evening and I can take her tomorrow.

I don't know what to do. She had 8 her last litter and everything was fine. No problems during pregnancy or anything.


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