what’s wrong with my pup?


Aug 16, 2023
hey everyone this isn’t really chicken or duck related but i was hoping someone could help me. my puppy (around 4 months) seems like she may have worms? i’m not 100% sure but i don’t know. she’s been very itchy recently, but the weather has changed dramatically here so i read it could be an allergy thing. it’s not fleas, i checked. she still has a LOT of energy, and seems to be herself. but last night she puked, and it seemed like there was a very small worm in it? it sort of separated apart when i checked it so i thought maybe it was mucus? i don’t have a car here at the moment, im with her by myself, so i can’t have her checked. (nearest vet is four hours away). she doesn’t have a loss in appetite or anything just itchy sometimes and puked last night. is there signs i should be looking for? thanks :)
I would take her to the vet, the will give her something to get rid of them.
yes whenever i can get a ride to do so i will buy at the moment i physically can’t get there lol if i had a car or a license i would there right now 😂 just curious if i can’t check at home while i wait
Get your parents to take you or if you have Uber. Or maybe a mobile vet or farm vet????
my family is away that’s why i don’t have a car unfortunately :( i live in a very rural area so there is no such thing as uber or taxi or any sort of ride service here. when we bought her she was given all her shots, i have the information here with me, so i’m not sure if they can still get it even with the shots?
my family is away that’s why i don’t have a car unfortunately :( i live in a very rural area so there is no such thing as uber or taxi or any sort of ride service here. when we bought her she was given all her shots, i have the information here with me, so i’m not sure if they can still get it even with the shots?
Aww I’m sorry. That sucks. When do they get back? It could probably wait a little bit but not too long.

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