Need help with sick hen


5 Years
Feb 23, 2016
My favorite hen, a beautiful black Astrolorpe has been poorly today. We first noticed her just sitting the the corner of the run, clucking softly to herself, around noon. After separating the rooster who is very protective of her in particular, we caught her. I held her upside down, briefly and checked her vent. It looked normal. I did a brief check for parasites but found none. I felt for an impacted egg and didn't feel anything like that, but as a newbie, wasn't sure what I was supposed to be feeling! However, when I had her on her back, I realized she's lost all the feathers on her belly area. What's going on? I did separate her from the rest of the flock, but she just goes to the nesting box and sits. I got her to eat a few of those dried worms (her favorite) but no food. No water. I tried dripping some water on her beak but that didn't amount to much. I left food and water for her, but am so worried. Any ideas? I'd be so appreciative! Thanks! LMVB
Did I the previous post in the wrong place, or did I do something else wrong? I've gotten NO replies. I'm so worried about my Henny. I just checked her (midnight CDT) and she hasn't moved at all. I made her a 'treat' of mashed up hard boiled eggs (weird, that cannibalism thing) but thought it might help. She did eat more than I thought she would, but no water.
Now, I'm hoping for some guidelines on the proper place to post this so maybe I can save her, AND that she's still alive in the morning! Thanks to anyone that responds, and for the support. I am still learning. Oh, one more thing: I read that if it's an impacted egg(?) to sit her in warm water for 30-45 minutes. Since I'm not sure that's the problem, I went half way and put a wet, warm towel in a zip lock gallon bag and covered it with some bedding. She hasn't moved off it, but she really hasn't moved all day. Should I take her to the vet? My husband said, very strongly NO, it's just a chicken, Which of course I KNOW, but really want to save her. She's so sweet. Ok, off to bed so that I can (hopefully) release her tomorrow. And please let me know where to post this in order to get some valuable feedback! Night night!
Sorry that you got no replies....... but I believe your hen is broody!
I'll tell you more if you want! xxx
I took a couple minutes to check if a hen will go broody with no eggs and it seems it does happen. I am new to chickens but I have read a lot on this site and others and the behavior and the missing feathers seem to describe a broody hen.
I think broody hens are awesome! (if she is broody) Clucking softly to herself probably means "Oooooo I want some chicks!" LOL xx I am looking after a friends birds and one of them is broody, and she has a bare chest (that is so that it keeps the eggs warm) and she puffs herself up and clucks and has some food and goes back to her no eggs nesting box! lol
She definitely sounds broody. You can try "broody breaking" by separating her from the others and putting her in a bunny hutch or something similar with no nesting materials for a few days while providing her with food and water. Some people report after a few days they get over it and go back to the flock. My aunt had her own ideas and would simply get a bunch of fertilized eggs, shove them underneath the broody bird and let her hatch them.
Yes, please do! She is completely bald on her underside and won't walk unless made it, in other words, I pick her up and encourage her to move. Another possible issue is that is is over 100 degrees here in Central TX, and she's black. However, the other hens, tho panting are making it ok. I've noticed that the rooster (astrolorpe also) picks on her when she comes around, and she was his favorite. She won't get out of the nesting box unless I make her, so I've put a double zip baggie with ice in near her, not touching. It doesn't help that the coop I bought I woefully small and cannot even get a bid on getting a new one built. Due to physical issues, I simply cannot do it myself, plus don't have all the tools. If she is broody, there's no eggs there! Should I put a couple fake eggs under her? I'm very concerned about all feathers gone underneath her. Help! And Thanks!
The question is do you want some chicks?, how long has she been sitting?, and if you put fake eggs under her she would not stop being broody, it would encourage her....... They are pretty good mothers? And how many other hens do you have? Sorry for all the questions!!

No, we do not want any more chicks at this time (our coop is too small already but can't seems to find one that fits our needs-and know-how!) She hasn't laid an egg in 2 days, and the others are off also. It is very hot here, with a heat index over 100. I've been taking ice water out to them, and cool treats to help, plus I've got a fan on part of the run but it's still HOT. But she is just bald on her underside (belly) and when I can get her to move around, she's all puffed up and keeps making this odd chucking noise. The rooster seems to be picking on her, chasing her and I stop him when I can, but I cannot be out there 24/7. I've tried separating her, but she seems better when she's not alone. I have a vet coming Friday...I hope she makes it that long! Thanks for any advice! I really appreciate it!

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