Need helping determining my chicks breed(s)


Jul 13, 2020
Southaven, MS, USA
I'm new to this whole raising chickens thing. Would love some help! Any and all is appreciated. And 1st question is: can someone help me with what chicken breeds I have.

This is Coco. TSC said she/he is an Amerucana.

This is Fluffy. I was told she was also an Amerucana.

This is Bella. TSC said she is a Bantam.

And last but not least: Ebony. Also told she was a Bantam

Any info or links or guesses are appreciated! Thank you!!

Edit: Btw! Can anyone give me a good estimate on how old these guys are? I got them all at the same time. I'm guessing 2 weeks? Thanks!
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The first two look like Easter Eggers. They are often mislabeled as Americaunas, but they are two different breeds. Americaunas are pure breed chickens with the blue egg laying gene. They are relatively rare and hard to find. Easter Eggers are mutts, usually bred from an Americauna or an Auracana mixed with any other breed of chicken. They can lay blue, green, pink, or brown eggs.
The other two look like maybe sebright bantams.

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