need homesteaders advice....

I have always been big on lists but as we have gotten busier I have modified things a bit. I wake up before everyone and instead of rushing through chores I sit down at my computer and work on bills and lists. I make sure I have enough time to make 2 lists. One is what I want to get done. The other is what everyone else needs to do and who is assigned to do it. When they complain, I show them my list and ask if they want to trade. Even the hubby gets that treatment. He actually asks for the lists because it makes his life easier knowing what he needs to do and when it has to be done.

On big projects I split things into weekends. So weekend one demolition and clean up. weekend 2 frame up new wall and install door ect ect

My lists I keep in a notebook. Not just so I can see what needs to be done but so I can look back when I feel like I never accomplish anything and see everything I do get done.

I love the idea of the sectioned off garden. Mine play in the garden while I work but I am forever having to remind them to stay in a certain area. I will fill up the wagon with rocks and section off their area this weekend. Awesome idea.
Home schooled all three of my kids, the latest one is 13. school work comes first then animals, if she wants to do something special, then its only after those two things are completed. my oldest is a rocketscientist, and my second child has a photographic memory works outdoors in search and rescue and manages a hause ranch.
In everything I do I like to take the 'kill to birds with one stone' approach.
I already mentioned pasturing the chickens in the garden when its not growing season.......less grass cutting.
Chicken tractors could help in that also.....just drag them around. Saves on grasscutting and feed.
I am on my work week now....bridge tending, so I am spending my time quilting with my leftover fabric.....a hobby that pays rather than costs. It also relaxes me to see what freaked out designs the fabric will make. Unfortunately I'm not exactly a stay at home mom yet.
Wine making is really fun. Just tap into whatever berries are growing wild in your area and mix in some sugar and yeast. Your relatives probably can provide free bottles. Its some trouble having my 3 year old in the field picking berries with me, but she likes to hang out with me and vice-versa and she, like all the others, will learn what she lives. The sooner she learns it the better.
My sister and sister-in-law couldn't understand why I made my toddler clean up with me (now 21 years old). They tried telling me I could do the work faster by just putting her in front of the tv and doing it myself, but I'm not sorry for the extra trouble I put myself through.
There are dozens of Homestead type magazines, websites, etc. Most any advice for self help involves Step 1. Turn off the TV, Step 2. What do you want to do?, Step 3. Do it.
I can not say that we are homesteaders, but I can say that everyone in our lives are truly amazed by the amount we can get accomplished in a day/week/name a time period. I have never been against TV or been a TV hater, but when we purchased our first home in February we made the decision not to get cable. This choice was single-handedly the most influential factor in our success in our house renovation, animal rearing and yard work/gardening projects. We both work over 50 hours each a week. Our time away from work is always productive, and we make it fun. My other big tip is always be work efficiently, meaning... take the 3 seconds to map out your next move before you do it. It is much quicker and less work to move that bucket to its final resting place if you have thrown out/moved/emptied the things in your way before lugging it around 4 times. Touch each thing involved in a task only once.
Stress will never help you accomplish more. If you read each previous post you will notice a trend. One way or another, each of these people are planners. That does not mean they are labeled as "organized" but take a hint from their lists, time alone before others wake up and routines.
thanks far i have 4 lists(grocery,shopping,chores).i even have a garden list of the veggies i will tend to that day. i am just doing smaller things and not trying to get everything done in 1 day like i used to do.
Do yourself a favor and visit the BYC sister site,, link to be found at the bottom of this page. The folks over there are doing what you are doing and they have a lot of wisdom to impart on how they get it done.....and how they get over the fact that sometimes you just can't get it all done!

I've always found that I get more work accomplished if I get up early and go to bed early. Your most productive times are in the morning when energy levels are highest. A good night's sleep can really make a difference in this area also.

Play music when you are going about your household chores....this always gives me a boost and I can get into a rhythm when I can sing along or listen to things while I work with my hands. If you have TV, turn it off. Too distracting and a time sucker for the overworked homesteading mama.

I also kept a set schedule for homeschooling and was pretty rigid in enforcing this. Kids love routine and you will get more done if you stick to one. Boring? Maybe. Get a lot accomplished? YES!

Kids also love responsibility and feeling "big", so don't be shy about delegating some chores, even to the very young. might want to prioritize. If you have too many animals that require intensive time it may be time to thin out your herd/flock to a manageable size and fine tune your chores until there is no wasted motion.

De-clutter your house/buildings/yard until you can find things when you need them. Organize your life as much as possible so you won't spend valuable time looking for things, forgetting where you put things, etc.

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