Need HUGE Hatcholic Advice...SPECIAL EGGS TO HATCH!


11 Years
Jul 29, 2008
Eastern, Kentucky
I just won an auction for eggs I have been dying to get my hands on. I know with shipping anything can happen but once they get here and I get them into the incubator I wanna have a GOOD hatch. My last hatch was HORRIBLE My 1st hatch of 2011 and I wanted to give up on hatching ever again because of what happened. Out of 32 eggs I got 14 chicks!!! Lost 4 eary on they never developed. so that left 28 eggs left all made it to lock down. 2 days later 14 chicks were out and no more pips NOTHING. So after another two days of waiting I decided to candle ALL that were left were dead. I opened some up not all and they were fully grown just never piped. My temps were great ran from 100-101 had two temp spikes one to 103 and one of 104. humidity ran good from 45-50 the whole 18 days and on hatch day ran from 55-60 chicks that did hatch were not too wet had no problem pipping/zipping membrane did not look dry. Out of the 14 chicks I did get alive 4 had problems two were flipping over their own heads and couldn't stand and died one had a leg that was out of place like and died and one grew to 3 weeks and never grew AT ALL and died at 3 weeks old. The other 10 look normal growing well and are at 5 weeks old.


Upon cleaning my incubator I notice under it where it set on my dresser MOLD had formed...My first thought was OMG this is what killed my chicks? Could this have been the problem?

Was my temp too hot?

Was my humidity too high?

Did I candle the eggs too much? Candled on day

Is my Hydro/Thermo Meter off?

How do I calibrate? I have one of the Digital ones.

ANY advice helpful tips so I can put as much into my head as possible.

FORGOT TO ADD: Egg's were turned by a automatic turner.
To calibrat put
1/2 cup of salt
1/4 cup of water into a coffee mug

Place in a ziplock bag with the hygrometer for 12 hours.

It should say 75%. If it doesn't you have to calculate the difference.

Oh and that's a lot of candling
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Personally, I would not go with no water at all. I run humidity at around 35% the first 18 days. However, I don't worry when it drops, but I don't like it below 25% for sure. The last 3 days I use 60 - 65% humidity. BUT, most important is the TEMPERATURE!

It is very helpful to have good working hygrometers and thermometers. The best thermometer I have found is the digital "Spot Check," that you can see here:
The only moisture I've been using is from cleaning it out, but it's been working for me.

Kathy is also a hatching guru, so she'd be great to learn from.

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