Need info on Golden Comets


In the Brooder
10 Years
Aug 24, 2009
As spring nears , I'm thinking about what breeds I would like to add to my chicken coop this year. I have been looking into the Golden Comets , but would like to know if anyone has found them to be agressive and pick on each other. I currently have several RIR hens , and they pick terribly , just wondering if these will be the same. I look forward to hearing about your hens !
well I don't own any golden comets, but my friend has and hers are the friendliest chickens ever! they're great layers too. They let you pet them
I was in the same boat last Spring--wanted to start a group of "layers"--bought Gold Comets, RR, and Buff Orpingtons. The Gold Comets were the keepers--such personalities--friendly, curious, they'll follow you around like a dog. I love my Gold girls!!
Well I guess I am the only odd ball. I had problems with the reds like you. I went to the comets and they were worse, they killed 3 of my girls. Most of them are bald out there to or bleeding half the time, it gets worse in the winter for me because I cant free range them as much, they don't seem to like the snow and head for the road, (not that I care at this point) but my other girls follow. I know my run and coop is big enough I actually made things too big, just in case I got more chickens the space would already be there. I have hung cabbage and everything, once that is gone, it is back to the picking and it doesn't seem to take them long to finish anything, they are also pigs!

I know others have had luck, maybe it depends on where you get them, I have no idea. I know this year they are getting replaced with calm birds, I can't take this no more I lost some of my favorite girls.
I have 4 that are 2 years old and 9 that will be a year old in May.They are excellent layers they start very early.They are a light bird mine are about 4 to 5 lbs.They are friendly and very curious.They winter well and bare confinment well,I have no picking unless they see blood.I have 10 EE`s in with them and a rooster.They are not flighty very calm.Most of all you get eggs everyday even in the winter if you have light in the coop for at least 14 hours a day.You can see here how curious they are,whenever my dh is building something in the coop or in the run they are right there checking it out.
Yeah Great birds, as far as the picking goes all birds under the right circumstances will pick, it's just normal but if you mean do they bully like in the school yard, I haven't seen too much of that. I liked mine good layers and all round nice barnyard birds to have around.

Sorry wrong caption for the above,we had to put a hen saver on this golden comet the rooster really liked her and she had no feathers on her back or wings.Rooster has since left and have a smaller one
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our chickens are pets. we have a mixed flock,but i tell everyone if i could only have 1 type of chickens it would be the golden comet! we currently have 2, sparkle and sunshine, and not only are they very friendly but they lay like little machines! except for when they where molting this fall they have layed a nice big brown egg everyday. they might not be the prettiest birds,they are sort of plain,but you cant go wrong with commets!

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