Need info on Golden Comets

Well I have the Comets, RR, White leghorns and Black Giants all in one pen and they get along fine thinking of getting some more Comets this spring. They do really lay good, their eggs to me are not quite the size of the RR but they started laying earlier and some times it looks like they are 2 a day birds. They are not aggressive when I approach and corner mine they just ball up and shake. I like them and will get more.
we have 4 in a mixed flock and they are the friendliest of them all.. good layers as well. they tolerate and, i suspect, even enjoy the kids carrying them around. Good chickens.
i have three golden comets and i love um, they are very friendly and i have one doing tricks for me. My goldens are 9 months old now and i get jumbo sized eggs from them every day. I have placed an order this spring for more. I have not noticed any of my girls fighting in the coop or outside i have 7 hens in all. They do sometimes get into little tiffs but nothing other than one letting the other know who is head hen. I think you will enjoy the golden comets very much they are like having a small dog they are so kind and friendly in my opinion.
I have 7 of them and they are very people friendly. They will come running to great you and I have one who likes to sit on my lap. They lay VERY well and start laying early with tons of double yolkers to start until they get into the groove of things.
We have 5 Golden Comets and 5 RIR's. The Comets are very good natured and are great for your flock.
We are getting 5 more chicks next month. They are also consistent egg layers.
Good choice as far as I'm concerned. Enjoy!
We have four golden comets, one white leghorn and one partridge rock. One of the comets is a rooster. The leghorn is flighty and stand-offish. The rock is very bold but would rather be left alone. The comets run to the door when we come up and like to sit with you, even the rooster. Actually, he likes to sit on your lap and be petted.
The comet hens lay about every day, extra large to jumbo sized eggs. They do tend to be little piggies when it comes to food though. And they will gang up on the rooster when they've been cooped up for too long. Otherwise there's only the occasional pecking order scuffle.
I would have to say that golden comets are quiet, freindly, well behaved birds that are good for egg prodution or companionship.
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I currently have 5 Comets and 1 RIR hens. My girls run up to me when I go out to the coop/run every visit. Actually, my RIR is my friendliest and she is head hen. My Comets all have different personalities though. One is just like my RIR and both follow me around the yard and let me catch them when free time is over. The other 4 Comets are not as easy to catch ... so they don't get as much free time. I must say that 3 of my 5 Comets laid all winter! No I do NOT have light or heat in my coop and YES I got 1 - 3 eggs a day all winter!
My husband wants to add more Comets to the flock, but I already ordered some Buff Orp and Brahma eggs ... so I'm not sure we will add more Comets this year.

Bottom line ~ they are AWESOME layers! They are cold hardy too! Go ahead and get a few ... you will not be dissapointed!
I am also a fan of golden comets. If I could only have 1 breed, it would probably be them.

I can only agree with most of the other posters...They are calm, docile, excellent layers of large brown eggs, they have always layed all winter long for me. I presently have 15 layers ( my other pullets are too young) 3 are black giants, 4 buff cochin and the other 8 are golden comets. I get an average of 13 eggs a day.

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