NEED Medication Protocol....Wry Neck


10 Years
Jun 3, 2009
Blue Ridge, GA
This is in regards to a message I posted here last night (Help....Silkie neck is tilting). I was told to give 3 drops of Polyvisol on the chickens beak and then Vitamin E 400iu. Do I give all the liquid from a Vitamin E softgel at one time? also, can both of these be given in food mash? Sorry, I am a first time chicken owner and I don't know the correct protocol.
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Thanks Tammytx! This is all new to me and I feel so lost. I am use to taking care of dogs/cats! But I sure do love these chickens!
A whole new experience.
Im going on day 4 with my silkie wry neck-he has not improved but..he is eating and drinking-does Not LIKE THE poly vi sol at all-I hope you guys have better luck and Im going to do a little more research-he/she is my fluffiest-prettiest one-4-5 weeks old now!
Polyvisol smells and taste terrible! I mixed the vitamins with a small portion of a mashed boiled egg, approx 1 tsp of yogurt and my Andy ate it really good! He does eat Chick starter, other treats and drinks water very well. Of course, he would not eat alone so I had to mix enough for 5 chicks. I didn't know what else to do so I hope he gets enough vitamins and it doesn't hurt the other chicks. I am still concerned that it may not be wry neck. He tilts his head to the left but more like he is adjusting his vision. (almost, like he is looking side-ways) Sorry, if that doesn't make sense. I hope your little guy starts to improve. Keep us posted if you find anything new in your research. I am really curious.
No improvement of my bird either. She is eating and drinking if I feed her, which I do twice a day.

I massaged the neck area (as much as you can through all the feathers) an she seemed to like it. I feel clicks when I massage.

My pullets neck is in a S shape and completely sideways. I'll take some photos of her tonight to post.
Dont give up, I think I was at about day 5 or so when I actually saw "for sure" improvement...I gave polyvisol drops 2 x a day for about 10 days and then started only in the evening for a few days and then every other night and now she is out in the coop with her buddies and looks to be completely fine! I also gave her vitamin E right out of the gel cap for the first 5 days or so. She was horribly bad...she couldn't walk normal she was doing head stands into somersaults and alternating from that to no control of her head and what looked like having a seizure possibly.

I really didn't know what would happen with her because she was BAD..but she is happy as can be now!

Wishing you both luck with your chickies!!

I know a sparrow isn't quite the same as a chicken.. but I just had a sparrow with wryneck and I gave it two drops from a 200UI softgel twice a day (first feeding and last feeding), and two drops was at least half the softgel or 100UI. I also gave a dusting of selenium (it aids the absorption of vitamin E) and I gave a scrape of a B complex mixed with a drop of poly-vi-sol mid day.

minor results took 36-48 hours, but then he started getting better quick.

I wonder if, since this sparrow was half an ounce, if the dose of vitamins could be increased for these larger silkies?

Vitamin B is water soluble so you can't really overdose on that. Vitamin E does have side effects if doses are too high, but if they are so deficient it is affecting them neurologically then maybe larger doses are called for for a few days. At least this is my thinking. As far as I could find there aren't any long lasting side effects from large doses of vitamin E, the body recovers from it very quickly if it is given to the degree of causing side effects like tiredness, weakness, nausea etc.

Good luck, I hope your babies recover soon!

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