Need some barred rock advice

So far they have been penned in for 5 days and I still didn't get any eggs :/ So I let them back out today to free range. Do you guys think I should keep them in the pen for another week or so again to see if they start laying? Or should I just let them free range as I usually do and see what happens?
I would just let them free range and just keep them in their pen a little later in the morning if your worried about them possiy layong elsewhere. They are probably close to laying. Not everybody will lay at 18 weeks. Give them time.
So Friday I got my first egg! And I got my second one today. As excited as I am, I have a few questions. The first is, if BR's are suppose to lay large brown eggs, why are the two that I got smaller than the store bought white egg in the picture? And second, the first egg I got was completely brown, but the second one I got was brown with white spots everywhere. What would make that happen, and is there something I should do? Here's the eggs:

top: second egg received, notice the white spots everywhere?
middle: first egg I got, considerably smaller, but all the way brown
bottom: Store bought white egg

When a pullet begins laying, she lays what is called a pullet egg. It takes some birds a long, long time to lay a larger egg, and sometimes, they won't until after their first moult at 18 months. Their second "season" often sees the eggs reduce in number a bit, but the size increase makes up for it.
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