Need some help here

I have a pair of BR's and I love them. We hatched out eleven BS and they were not my favorites. The only real con is that they EAT A LOT. I noticed a drastic change in my feed when we processed 4 of them. Our BR are pets and will remain as pets.

Oh, one other thing------only the black got on our vehicles but not the BR's. I wonder why??
If you are in MN, there's a law that says you can't ship turkey poults into the state unless they've undergone certain tests for disease. Those tests are quite expensive, so most out of state hatcheries won't sell to you. When you get the okay from the family, look for poults from Stromberg or Urch. Of course there's always Craig's List and local ads, too. I don't think there are any restrictions on hatching eggs, if you decide to go that route. Good luck to you!
You will find that turkeys are very friendly and great! The "mean" turkey tale is very rarely true. If you have the space, you will be amazed at how sweet they are.
Turkeys are my favorite bird. We have quite a few. My babies are two that came from the feed store. They had gotten wet and cold and were dying in the cage when I bought them. I wrapped them up in an old baby blanket and held them all night to keep them warm. I would hold them every night when I came home from work, wrapped up in the blanket. They would snuggle down and go to sleep. I'm afraid they were really spoiled because quite often I would fall asleep in my rocker and we would spend the night together. Now they are "all grown up" and live in the yard. Whenever I am in the yard they follow me everywhere. When I come home from work they cluck and gobble hello. When the weather is nice and the kitchen door is open, they walk in. They will even lay down on the dog's bed and take a nap. I think they believe they're "house" turkeys! I highly recommend them as pets. They are very vulnerable to illness, so I recommend vaccinations.
I got two spanish blacks and two bbw's at 4 month of age and all I can say about turkeys is that they are the most delightful birds EVER! And mine had never been handled or petted so were a bit standoffish but would sidle over to stand next to me whenever I was doing anything in the yard. LOL they almost lost their heads many times due to sticking them in the hole I was digging while fencing part of the yard

Go for it, turkeys ROCK
so what vaccinations do they need? If I would get them from somewhere locally can I contact a vet for these vaccinations?

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