need someones help now !!!!!!@


Cochins R Us
16 Years
Nov 10, 2007
Mooresburg TN
I went out to fed my birdfs this morning and I looked in the broodser and seeen a chcik that looked like it had pastey butt so I grabbed him up and brought him inside turns out it was his egg sack coming back out when I moved it off to the side there are maggots crawing aroujnd
What do I do !!!!!
Clean him up! Maggots off, gentle soap and water & then some neosporin or triple antibiotic. How old is the chick? Does it seem ok otherwise?
Yes he is active and running around. but I know how fast the maggot can clean a little body. he is only a few days old.
Did you clean her off? How does it look? Is there a wound? If she is active & appears healthy then she might be ok after she is cleaned. Good luck to both of you!
got it cleaned out. I pulled ten maggaot from its little body. I missed one I had to use twissers. One got away.
I couldnt find it . She has a hole where her eggs sack was I put anitbonics on it so maybe that will kill the last maggot I hope..

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