Need someone's knowledge with duck eggs....

I don't think that would work for a Victoria Sponge.

Okay I'll bite, what a Victoria Sponge? unless it's a sponge cake and i don't think substituting dog food for the eggs in would be very appealing
Thanks you guys. This questions a little off topic, but does anyone know if you can substitute dog food for eggs? It was a question that came up in my house the other day.

Lol. I'm trying to imagine how this conversation went... "Honey, this quiche really is delicious but I think it would be better if you had used dog food instead of eggs."
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Is a Victoria sponge cake good? I've only heardnofnit once, never tried it.... And I guess I mean substitute... And lol, I meant for dogs. Sort of replace dog food with eggs? Dog foods pretty pricey, and wenonly have to dogs. A beagle the size of a rabbit that eats little to nothing, and a cattle dogs mix. They get just a little dog food daily, along wIth daily scraps and whatever they drag out from the wood(we even found a bear paw once....?) I figured a diet of scraps and eggs would be good? That's what I'm asking about.
Ands dog food quiche? Mmmmmmmm.... :p
Other than the fact that the yolk is bigger, I can't tell any difference between duck eggs and home raised chicken eggs. They are different from store bought chicken eggs. (and the shell is harder to crack)

I just substitute 1 for 1 with the eggs. It never hurts baked goods to use jumbo eggs instead of large.

If you are doing fried eggs with duck eggs, you need to reduce the heat and remove the egg from the pan the second it is done. Then it will be tender and nice. If you over-heat and over-cook duck eggs, they will be a bit rubbery.

When people say that duck eggs taste bad, I always wonder what they are feeding to their ducks. Duck eggs should taste like eggs.
I think that my duck eggs taste the same as my chicken eggs, maybe with a richer flavor. I have 5 different people who want my duck eggs instead of chicken eggs. One family says the duck eggs taste better than the chicken eggs. I do put raw eggs on my golden retrievers dog food because he has the dryer skin of the retrievers. My ducks are Cayugas so sometimes there is a little black from the egg color in the whites and it doesn't seem to bother those who like them. I know of one family who used to own Muscovies and they did not like their eggs. I wonder if it was the feed? We sometimes feed the chickens and the ducks garlic as a natural wormer - no, I did not notice a strong flavor of garlic (I wish though). I have been told that baked goods are fluffier with duck eggs.
Dogs love eggs. You can even feed them whole raw eggs, shell and all. Although maybe you don't want your dogs to know that a raw egg is food :hmm
Have you looked into the raw diet at all? It's where you feed your dogs raw meat, bones, organs, and occasionally other raw foods like fruit and vegetables. I think it's better than feeding scraps, but opinions vary.

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