Need to Rant....

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If someone pushed me out of the way to get in front of me, and thereby blocked my view, I would have been very POed, and might well have been rude in telling them to move back and stop blocking me. Calling names, however, is NEVER appropriate.

Most of things like the glass blowing session are repeated at regular intervals. If you coudn't see from where you were and had to move in front of people to see, you should have simply come back early for the next session and been able to take a front row position.

IMO, you started the issue and it escalated when you ignored her reproachment about your behavior.
Did the OP push her way in front of people?? I didnt see that anywhere.. (but i miss a lot..
Yes you went to the front and there was obvisiously several people in front of you, so why did you feel the need to wind your way all the way to the front and stand in front of everybody else, if you couldn't see the show then move to a spot where you weren't blocking anybody elses view who were there before you, or wait till the next presentation. You were the rude one here.... sorry but it's the truth, but you figured this forum was a good place to gather sympathy for your rudeness. The person may have been rude, but you were even more rude by imposing your presence in front of those there before you, your manners were lacking here and better judgement should have been used on your part.

Iam 6'3" tall and I never go to the front or sit in the front knowing folks can't see over me and I can see just fine from the middle or rear of the pac, my DD & DW are short and if I am with them I still stand in the rear and they go to where they can see. If you move to the front you MUST !! MUST allways ask or say excuse me or may I stand here, this is common courtesy and I know you didn't say a word or they wouldn't have been so mad, and if you know your a bulky built person then it is even more rude to take up more than your share of the viewing space. If you want people to be considerate of you then you must do the same and show consideration, perhaps you weren't taught this at a young age, or perhaps it is you who doesn't care for manners.

I know it is frowned upon to have an opposing view to a topic in this forum but this is my respectfull oppinion.
Yes you went to the front and there was obvisiously several people in front of you, so why did you feel the need to wind your way all the way to the front and stand in front of everybody else, if you couldn't see the show then move to a spot where you weren't blocking anybody elses view who were there before you, or wait till the next presentation. You were the rude one here.... sorry but it's the truth, but you figured this forum was a good place to gather sympathy for your rudeness. The person may have been rude, but you were even more rude by imposing your presence in front of those there before you, your manners were lacking here and better judgement should have been used on your part.

Iam 6'3" tall and I never go to the front or sit in the front knowing folks can't see over me and I can see just fine from the middle or rear of the pac, my DD & DW are short and if I am with them I still stand in the rear and they go to where they can see. If you move to the front you MUST !! MUST allways ask or say excuse me or may I stand here, this is common courtesy and I know you didn't say a word or they wouldn't have been so mad, and if you know your a bulky built person then it is even more rude to take up more than your share of the viewing space. If you want people to be considerate of you then you must do the same and show consideration, perhaps you weren't taught this at a young age, or perhaps it is you who doesn't care for manners.

I know it is frowned upon to have an opposing view to a topic in this forum but this is my respectfull oppinion.

Thanks. You saved me a lot of typing.
Yes you went to the front and there was obvisiously several people in front of you, so why did you feel the need to wind your way all the way to the front and stand in front of everybody else, if you couldn't see the show then move to a spot where you weren't blocking anybody elses view who were there before you, or wait till the next presentation. You were the rude one here.... sorry but it's the truth, but you figured this forum was a good place to gather sympathy for your rudeness. The person may have been rude, but you were even more rude by imposing your presence in front of those there before you, your manners were lacking here and better judgement should have been used on your part.

Iam 6'3" tall and I never go to the front or sit in the front knowing folks can't see over me and I can see just fine from the middle or rear of the pac, my DD & DW are short and if I am with them I still stand in the rear and they go to where they can see. If you move to the front you MUST !! MUST allways ask or say excuse me or may I stand here, this is common courtesy and I know you didn't say a word or they wouldn't have been so mad, and if you know your a bulky built person then it is even more rude to take up more than your share of the viewing space. If you want people to be considerate of you then you must do the same and show consideration, perhaps you weren't taught this at a young age, or perhaps it is you who doesn't care for manners.

I know it is frowned upon to have an opposing view to a topic in this forum but this is my respectfull oppinion.

Thanks. You saved me a lot of typing.

I hear ya,
it has a knock on effect if one person starts pushing to the front,another person who is blocked by them will do the same,and so on,its not necessarily rude but people panicing at missing anything.
it was them who started the issue,as they were rude to silkiebantams instead of politely telling them that they are unable to see and if they can possibly share the space so both can see,also not forgetting the use of the word please/thanks,its just manners.

the fat ass comment is probably the woman projecting her own faults and worries onto someone else,they use any excuse they can get to offload their own thinking.if unsure what projection is in that sense,loook here:
saying this in no offence whatsoever,but if it actualy is well padded,next time anyone says anything like that-make them sound really stupid with slow clapping,like "wooo yeaaaahhhhh.....well done on successfuly stating the obvious son/hon,fat can be reversed if we want it to but stupidity is forever".
Yep it would tick me off to no end if I got to the presentation early enough to get a place in front where I could see and patiently waited only to have someone decide that they were going to just come plop themselves in front of me and block my view. We are human beings, not cattle, nor are we sardines. Just because there's a little space doesn't mean it's ok for someone to come cram themselves in and block my view. If I wanted to be crammed in I would just do it in the first place without leaving a square foot available for someone to think it's ok to barge into. That is just plain rude, selfish and ill mannered. The op was named called because the person who was already there had already had enough rudeness for the day and wasn't going to just let it go by. And I guaranty that everyone sitting there agreed silently.
It was either stupid or completely self centered to think that barging in front of the crowd was acceptable.
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