Need to vent we were burglerized over the past weekend!!!

How devestating! I sure hope that the police are able to help you recover your stuff.

Our house was broken into 2x as we were cleaning it up and readying to move in. We ended up dragging matresses and food over to set up camp and start living in it before the closing went through (it was a forclosure and the bank wasn't doing much to secure it -- hadn't even changed the locks!)

What really ticked us is they took the few cleaning supplies we'd brought in, the vaccuum, the radio -- and a new package of toilet paper . . . . . . .REALLY, you had to take our toilet paper???? Whenever I wanted someone to take action on our behalf as we went through the rest of the house buying procedure, I'd just share that with them. They'd feel sorry for us and rush that appraisal through, or hurry up the closing date, etc. Stealing folks toilet paper is an all new kind of low!
Been there! Once when I was a child, it took away all sence of security away from me at home... I think thats why I like big dogs and stay "prepared".

They also have wireless transmitters, if you have good cell service out there, no way they can interupt the signal!

My parents were just robbed again last year. This time they caught the guys and did get their stuff back. I hope you have the same luck!
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My firearms are not hidden in a safe - as you've noted, a gun safe draws thieves like moths to a flame. They've become adept at stealing them these days. I keep them secured in other locations.
Some people like to display those things they've worked for or are proud of. Not me. The only things visible or easily found are those things my insurance company is accustomed to replacing across the board. Sentimental items, guns, hoardes of gold coin, etc. are hidden in places that are not obvious, nor easy, to get to.
Ive also done pics of "the good stuff" and keep it on a $5 flash drive.

FLASH DRIVE duh!! I am a IT tech I should have thought of that!!! Thanks I will keep that with me with all our pictures of stuff for insurance.

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